Every voter counts and every vote must be counted failing this there is no more Democracy nor Republic.
"The process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary
change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic
and catalyzing event -- like a new Pearl Harbor" (2000)
-- Project for a New American Century
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need
is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the
New World Order."
-- David Rockefeller
"All it takes for evil to flourish is for good men (and women)
to do nothing."
-- Edmund Burke
"I am concerned for the security of our great nation, not so
much because of any threat from without, but because of the
insidious forces working from within."
-— General Douglas MacArthur
"The liberties of our country, the freedom of our civil
Constitution, are worth defending at all hazards; and it is
our duty to defend them against all attacks. We have received
them as a fair inheritance from our worthy ancestors: they
purchased them for us with toil and danger and expense of
treasure and blood, and transmitted them to us with care and
diligence. It will bring an everlasting mark of infamy on the
present generation, enlightened as it is, if we should suffer
them to be wrested from us by violence without a struggle, or
to be cheated out of them by the artifices of false and
designing men."
-- Samuel Adams
"The first stage of fascism should more appropriately be called
Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power."
-- Mussolini
"Those who cast the votes decide nothing,
Those who count the votes decide everything."
-- Josef Stalin
Word is out from several sources within the media that journalists/reporters are being told point-blank that
they will be fired for any mention of vote fraud, even in private conversations that happen to be overheard. If you ever
had any doubt who the media serves in this country, this should make it clear that the media serves the dictator, not the
The unavoidable conclusion is that this year's election in Ohio was deeply flawed, that thousands of Ohioans were denied
their right to vote, and that the ultimate vote count is very much in doubt. Most importantly, the testimony has
revealed a widespread and concerted effort on the part of Republican Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell to deny
primarily African-American and young voters the right to cast their ballots within a reasonable time. By depriving
precincts of adequate numbers of functioning voting machines, Blackwell created waits of three to eleven hours, driving
tens of thousands of likely Democratic voters away from the polls and very likely affecting the outcome of the Ohio vote
count, which in turn decided the national election.
Some of the tricks documented include throwing out of Democrat voter registration forms, broken machines, misplaced
machines, machine errors, reduced numbers of machines in Black and predominantly Democratic areas, less than in 2002,
causing long lines, unmailed absentee ballots, absentee ballots requesting 86 cents, insufficient postage, which were
returned, certification of more votes than registered voters in some areas, reversal of percentages of registered
Democrats and votes for Bush in many counties, modem connected voting machines and tabulators, different standards for
provisional ballot recounts in different areas, many provisional ballots, also called “placebo ballots”, not counted at
all, voting machines defaulting to a Bush or 'jumping' by recording a vote for Bush when Kerry's button was pushed,
phony companies registering voters and then tearing up the registrations of Democrats but not Republicans, exit polls
not corresponding with reported votes in counties with no paper trail, while exit polls matched reported votes in
counties with paper trails, voting elections officials creating what look like phony election machine poll tapes and
tossing original, signed tabulations in the garbage, people posing as technicians coming in and tampering with machines,
Republicans posing as Democrats, a lock down, refusing to let observers in, with the excuse of terrorist alert to
observe the counting of votes in a country in Ohio, misinformation about the date and location of voting in Black
neighborhoods, threats of arrest for voters with traffic tickets or any record, unusual discrepancies between numbers of
votes for Kerry and Democratic candidates on same ticket, and widespread refusal of media to report on any of these, and
a media campaign trashing exit poll data with made up reasons. And these are just the ones we know about.
...Vote suppression. Residents turned away from polls. Shortages of voting locations and ballot forms. Foreign monitors
'barred' from polls. Global monitors find faults. Unmatched exit polls/actual results - actual results always skewed to
Republican candidates. CNN drastically changed Ohio exit poll page. Masses of e-Voting software "glitches." Computers
lose votes. Presidential votes miscast on e-Voting machines throughout the US. More votes than voters. Republicans gain
by 128.45% in Florida counties using optical scan voting machines while Democrats show 21% loss - some districts show
gains of over 400% while one, Liberty County, gained over 700% for Republicans. Warren County officials locked down the
county administration building on election night and blocked anyone from observing the vote count as the nation awaited
Ohio's returns. Bush's 'incredible' vote tallies.
7% turnout in Cleveland precinct? Cuyahoga County: different towns have the exact same number of "extra" votes. Several
Republicans win by exact same number of votes. And on, and on...
The burden of proof is on the government that claims authority by virtue of the election to prove that the election was
honest and accurate. Absent such proof, We The People are neither legally nor morally obligated to obey that government's
dictates nor to pay their bills.
Looking back at the 2000 election, Michael Moore and his film Fahrenheit 911 brought out a very important point--that not one
Senator would join the effort to investigate the fraud that went on at that time. The reason why no Senator responded now turns
out that Al Gore "urged" the senate to not join nor investigate. This is the same as when Kerry "took a dive" on Nov 3, 2004
despite all the news of massive vote fraud. Your Democratic Republic has been "Sold down the tubes" as the following reveals:
On January 6, 2001, House Democrats, galvanized by the electoral larceny in Florida, tried and failed to challenge the
results. Their effort was aborted by the failure of a single Democratic senator to join them, as the law requires.
Al Gore—still vice president, and therefore still the Senate’s president—had urged Democrats to make no such unseemly
waves but to respect Bush’s installation for the sake of national unity. Now, it seemed, that partisan disgrace would
be redressed, at least symbolically; for a new challenge from the House, by Representative Stephanie Tubbs-Jones of
Ohio, would be co-signed by Barbara Boxer, Democratic senator from California, who, at a noon press conference on
January 6, heightened the suspense by tearfully acknowledging her prior wrong: “Four years ago I didn’t intervene.
I was asked by Al Gore not to do so and I didn’t do so. Frankly, looking back on it, I wish I had.”
MSNBC reported 90,000 more votes than voters just in one county in Ohio
Sample Ohio Precincts:
Bay Village 13,710 registered voters / 18,663 ballots cast
Beachwood 9,943 registered voters / 13,939 ballots cast
Bedford 9,942 registered voters / 14,465 ballots cast
Cuyahoga Heights 570 registered voters / 1,382 ballots cast
Fairview Park 13,342 registered voters / 18,472 ballots cast
Rocky River 16,600 registered voters / 20,070 ballots cast
Solon (WD6) 2,292 registered voters / 4,300 ballots cast
Strongsville (WD3) 7,806 registered voters / 12,108 ballots cast
Valley View Village 1,787 registered voters / 3,409 ballots cast
Warrensville Heights 10,562 registered voters / 15,039 ballots cast
Woodmere Village 558 registered voters / 8,854 ballots cast
Orange (CSD) 11,640 registered voters / 22,931 ballots cast
Warrensville (CSD) 12,218 registered voters / 15,822 ballots cast
"I don't want to get caught up in this thing!"
-- Joyce Dieffenderfer, former president of the League of
Women Voters, after admitting the TV networks lied about
hiring the League on election night.
"You'll never prove it, now get out!"
-- Elton Davis, TV network computer programmer responsible
for magically "projecting" 100% accurate vote results.
"This may be the biggest vote fraud scandal ever to rock
the nation!"
-- Mike Wallace of "60 Minutes" upon reviewing the Votescam
evidence. However, after meeting with his higher-up's, Mr.
Wallace dropped the issue like a vial of Anthrax.
"When you're dealing with the networks, gentleman, you're
dealing with a shadow government."
-- ABC Supreme Court correspondent, Tim O'Brien, explaining
why the station refused to run video taped evidence of vote