Bill permits 193 MILLION More Aliens by 2026, Blanket Amnesty, Toll Roads and Privatization of what were public property,
Dissolve America Into The North American Union via the CFR by 2010, The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the 'Amero',
Selling off Americas infrastructure to foreign interests, special privileges to Illegal Aliens; America and it's people
can Go To Hell according to Bush and CONgress!
The Bush administration has collaborated with the governments of Mexico and Canada to merge the three nations into one
Socialist mega-state: the "North American Union". Freedom and our Constitution will have no place in this grim Orwellian
future. The Dollar will be scrapped for the "Amero". There will be no First Amendment and no limit on the power of government.
Plans of the Wicked Communist powers within the United States, right at the Top, stem from the Council on Foreign
Relations. Their intention is to erase the Borders of the United States, both on the North and the South, and
thus merge the US with Canada and Mexico. This is treason, and is the demise of the American Republic if implemented.
Few American's realize the treachery taking place. For over ten years, a group called NASCO has been developing a strong
coalition of entities which lobby for federal funding to promote a "SuperCorridor" across the nation effectively erasing
the current borders. We were warned by Ross Perot and others in the early 90's of the disastrous consequences of the WTO.
This is a slippery slope and a furtherance of Gatt, Nafta, Cafta lead to the FTAA, the free trade area of the Americas.
One of the prime architects of the NAU, Robert Pastor, has discussed the use of another 9/11 crisis to force through the
merger--in other words, you and even Congress won't even have a voice in the Bush-led surrender of our country--unless
we all act NOW to have Congress outlaw any Presidential actions which would lead to such a merger of our nations in any
Canadian citizens would lose their independence to their southern neighbors under the NAU. America's former borders
would be wide open to drug smuggling and terrorists. Mexico would become empty as all citizens by right could move to
the U.S. or Canada. Leaders in both major U.S. parties are determined to wipe out your freedom, unless you act now.
Lou Dobbs reports on North American Union, Astounded - 4min <===
North American Union exposed during Senate Debate, Stan Jones - 3min <===
Dobbs: W Fulfills His Dad's Dream of a New World Order - 3min <===
Lou Dobbs asks WHY media doesn't cover North American Union - 4min <===
Alan Colmes: North American Union a Conspiracy Theory - 4min <=== -
Now you can see that you have been Lied to by Colmes, Hannity, Oreilly, Limbaugh and most all the other main stream media talking heads about the important things going on.
Alex Jones on "NAFTA Super Highway" - 8min <===
Lou Dobbs report on the North American Union - 3min <===
Lou Dobbs Outs Those Involved in N. American Union - 4min <===
Lou Dobbs calls out elitist Robert Pastor on push to North American Union - 9min <===
Cheney Laughs About North American Union Agenda Deception - 2min <===
The Amero - North American Currency - 2min <===
NAFTA and the North American Union - 6min <===
Dobbs: North American Union: Destroying Sovereignty of the USA - 4min <===
Connie Fogal: North American Union Spells Political Treason - 2min <===
Lou Dobbs: North American Union Orwellian Brave New World - 4min <===
Lou Dobbs on The NAFTA Superhighway - 3min <===
Lou Dobbs Slams CFR & North American Union - 4min <===
N American Union Highway has Texas Candidates up in arms - 10min <===
The Dangers of the "North American Union" - 27min <===
North American Union Explained PowerPoint Style - Henry Lamb <===
North American Union Fact Sheet pdf <===
north american union - Google Video search
Alex Jones north american union - Google Video search
First, you must see the short videos above. Lou Dobbs of CNN is one of only a very few in the Main
Stream Media (CFR Controlled) who gets out some of these powerful Truths.
Even the Treacherous David Rockefeller Admits in his 2002 Book entitled Memoirs:
"For more than a century ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized
upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for
the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some
even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States,
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the
world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure -- one world, if you will.
If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
This man is a traitor, and proud of it. His Council on Foreign Relations should be opposed and
deposed, and it's treasonous agenda halted. How many people that you vote for are members of this
elite group?
The Ford Foundation is now funding treasonous, Marxist Latino groups who want death to America. The
Elites of Mexico and America are joining to combine against their peoples. The Mexican's should stay
in Mexico and overthrow their corrupt, wicked Government, where they could then be free to enjoy
their beautiful homeland, with all of it's rich beauty and natural resources. Hundreds of thousands
of Mexican farmers were hurt and their livelihood destroyed with these wicked trade agreements.
All this is a design from the Top Elites, "Divide and Conquer" is their agenda. They want an end to
the American Republic, and the Apathetic people of America are letting their politicians sell out
their free institutions and even the form of limited government that made America the most
prosperous nation in all the world. Trends in socialism are bringing America to ruin, along with
this viscious trade policy.
First plank of the communist manifesto: abolition of all private property. Eminent domain is sweeping this country like
a deadly forest fire and it will continue to escalate as plans for the complete and total destruction of our sovereign
nation move ahead. Bush's proposed North American Union (NAU) and the so-called Security and Prosperity Partnership of
North America (SPP) are the final nails in the coffin of America's sovereignty. The globalists in Congress and the White
House over the past several decades have been slowly, step by step deconstructing our sovereign republic in anticipation
of eliminating these united States of America and merging them into one region of a world governmental body. Congressman
Ron Paul summed it up this way:
"By now many Texans have heard about the proposed “NAFTA Superhighway,” which is also referred to as the trans-Texas
corridor. What you may not know is the extent to which plans for such a superhighway are moving forward without
congressional oversight or media attention.
"This superhighway would connect Mexico, the United States, and Canada, cutting a wide swath through the middle of Texas
and up through Kansas City. Offshoots would connect the main artery to the west coast, Florida, and northeast.
Proponents envision a ten-lane colossus the width of several football fields, with freight and rail lines, fiber-optic
cable lines, and oil and natural gas pipelines running alongside.
"This will require coordinated federal and state eminent domain actions on an unprecedented scale, as literally millions
of people and businesses could be displaced. The loss of whole communities is almost certain, as planners cannot wind
the highway around every quaint town, historic building, or senior citizen apartment for thousands of miles.
"The SPP was first launched in 2005 by the heads of state of Canada, Mexico, and the United States at a summit in Waco.
The SPP was not created by a treaty between the nations involved, nor was Congress involved in any way. Instead, the SPP
is an unholy alliance of foreign consortiums and officials from several governments. One principal player is a Spanish
construction company, which plans to build the highway and operate it as a toll road. But don't be fooled: the
superhighway proposal is not the result of free market demand, but rather an extension of government-managed trade
schemes like NAFTA that benefit politically-connected interests.
"The real issue is national sovereignty. Once again, decisions that affect millions of Americans are not being made by
those Americans themselves, or even by their elected representatives in Congress. Instead, a handful of elites use their
government connections to bypass national legislatures and ignore our Constitution – which expressly grants Congress the
sole authority to regulate international trade.
"The ultimate goal is not simply a superhighway, but an integrated North American Union – complete with a currency, a
cross-national bureaucracy, and virtually borderless travel within the Union. Like the European Union, a North American
Union would represent another step toward the abolition of national sovereignty altogether."

Lou Dobbs Tonight - America For Sale - video
In the Name of Prosperity - The FTAA - The Demise of the Middle Class - video <==
Corsi: The Dangers of the "North American Union" - video 27 min <==
Connie Fogal On The Corporate North American Union - video 54 min <==
Pretext For The North America Union (NAU): Intro, Part 1 & Part 2 (SPP) <==,
Part 3 <===,
Part 4 <===
Google video search: North American Union
The New American, The North American Union Invasion 10-15-07 issue <===
Timeline of the Progress Toward a North American Union <===
Stop the Security and Prosperity Partnership - <===
Stop the SPP: SPP FOIA Documents <===
Amero Currency: One Union Under God? With Liberty?
UPDATED North American Union Fact Sheet pdf <===
Updated - North American Union Timeline! pdf <===
JW Releases New Documents Detailing "Security and Prosperity Partnership" of North America <===
jrc A North American Union to Replace the United States of America? <===
jrc The Plan to Replace the Dollar With the 'Amero' <===
jrc Why No New Immigration Law Will Ever Be Enforced, Quietly Creating 'NAFTA Plus' <===
jrc Immigration Bill Is Much Worse Than You Think by Sen. Jeff Sessions <===
jrc North American Union Already Starting to Replace USA <===
jrc Bush Administration Quietly Plans NAFTA Super Highway <===
jrc North American Union Would Trump U.S. Supreme Court <===
Toward a North American Union - Patrick Wood <===
Toward a North American Union - Patrick Wood <=== Alternate Link
What Is Smart Growth & Sustainable Development? Towards World Government!! <===
The NAFTA Superhighway, North American Union ends Soverienty - Ron Paul
Audio of Rep. Ron Paul on NORTH AMERICAN UNION: merging U.S., Canada and Mexico
Abolishing the USA? <===
United States Of North America by Stephen Yates <===
Treason Abounds ~ Gov't Cabal Plots North American Union (NAU) <===
Illegal_Alien_Anaarchy_Connecting_the-Dots <===
Creating a North American Union for the One World Order <===
Reference List One World Order (OWO) Info Available on the Web <===
Help Stop the Merger of the U.S. with Mexico and Canada - Action Needed <===
North American Union - American Patriots' last stand? Constitutional Facts <==
North American Union & Security and Prosperity Partnership <==
STOP the
STOP the
Political Tectonic Shift: Energy Policy under the NAU
The Case for the Amero: The Economics and Politics of a North American Monetary Union
Secret Rumsfeld Meeting To Implement North American Union
jrc Controversy Erupts Over NASCO and the NAFTA Super-Highway <==
jrc Bush Administration Erases U.S. Borders With Mexico and Canada <==
jrc Investors Push NAFTA Super-Highways Thru Infrastructure Privatization <==
jrc NASCO Alters Super-Corridor Message <==
jrc Bush Administration Fast Tracks Formation of the North American Union <==
Are You Ready for Your North American Union ID Card? <==
jrc Red China Opens NAFTA Ports in Mexico <==
jrc North American 'Trusted Traders' Begin Rolling on the NAFTA Super-Corridor <==
jrc Meet Robert Pastor: Father of the North American Union
jrc The Reconquista Movement: Mexico's Plan for the American Southwest
jrc China Wins NAFTA Super-Highway Battle
jrc Red Chinese Slave Labor Floods NAFTA Marketplace With Cheap Goods
jrc Bush Administration Mortgages U.S. to Red China Over NAFTA Trade
jrc Wider Panama Canal Would Aid Communist Chinese
jrc I-69: Yet Another NAFTA Super-Highway
jrc Bush Administration Advances on Path of Creating North American Union
jrc Gov. Rick Perry Does the Texas Two-Step Around NAFTA Super Highway
jrc North American Union - a Top Goal of Secretary of Commerce
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America - Wikipedia
World government - Wikipedia
World Federalist Movement - Wikipedia
jrc Kansas City customs port considered Mexican soil?
It’s The Law! Feds Pave The Way To Toll And Privatize The Interstate Highways <===
NAFTA Superhighway RFID Card For US Citizens <===
The American Union is Already Here <==
Council on Foreign Relations on the Future of North America <==
Experts call for common North America border <==
Panel calls for secured border perimeter with U.S., Canada, Mexico <==
Task force urges creation of 'Fortress America' <==
NAFTA Turned U.S., Canada And Mexico Into Single Giant Market <==
Texas: Keystone State of the FTAA <==
New World Order Chieftans Openly Discuss Dismantling US Border and Bringing Us into the Pan-American Union <==
CFR's solution to illegal immigration <==
The Cancun Summit Mandated The North American Union by 2007 <==
The Global-Governance Deception <==
Erasing America! - Building a North American Community <==
Quietly, Quietly Building The North American Union
Internationalizing U.S. Roads <==
The Spp: Another Summit Sellout
A history of the New World Order - Part I <==
A history of the New World Order - Part II <==
Proof Of Conspiracy - We Have A Confession
More Proof Of Conspiracy - Rockefeller Enemy
CFR's Plan to Integrate the U.S., Mexico and Canada
Merger with Mexico
U.S.-Mexico merger opposition intensifies
Trans-Texas Corridor paved with campaign contributions?
Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, wants U.S. taxpayers to fund Mexican development
Bush sneaking North American super-state without oversight?
Coming soon to U.S.: Mexican customs office
Kansas City customs port considered Mexican soil?
Southern border blurs for global trade
Docs reveal plan for Mexican trucks in U.S., Quietly Implimented
More evidence Mexican trucks coming to U.S.
Documents Indicate U.S. far advanced in uniting with Mexico and Canada
Bush Continues To Sell America To Foreign Interests
The Religious Right Has Fled The Battlefield
Nation-Breaking Agreements to further North American Union <==
Canadian Action Party - The Metamorphosis and the sabotage of Canada
YouTube - Texas Gov. Rick Perry stars in animated land grab cartoon!
North American Union articles/documents
CFR: Building a North American Community, Task Force Report 53 <===
CFR: Building a North American Community, Task Force Report Final <===
CFR: Search "global governance" shows 324 Docs - Their Sole Purpose <=== Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America agreement <=== Security and Prosperity Partnership of North Americag
Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America Report to Leaders
North American Forum on Integration (NAFI)
North American Forum on Integration (NAFI): The north americain trade corridors
NASCO - International Mid-Continent Trade SuperCorridor/NAFTA Superhighway
The List Of 45 Of The 80 High Priority Corridors
Trans-Texas Corridor TTC-35 I69/TTC
Kansas City SmartPort: Mexican Customs Operation in KC??
Lazaro Cardenas-Kansas City Transportation Corridor Non-Stop
COUNT US! Counties Under New Terrain US I-69
Immigration bill passes Senate hurdles
Bill permits 193 MILLION More Aliens by 2026 <===
Dobbs: Bush, Congress tell working folk to go to hell <===
The United States Senate is about to give special privileges to ILLEGAL ALIENS <===
US Illegal Alien Policy - Yes, We're Going Bananas <===
Review: In Mortal Danger - The Battle for America's Border and Security
The Plot to Dissolve the United States and Establish a North American Union <=