Must Read 08
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This page contains a historical chronology of important news, as it happened, things you probably did not know till way after the fact if at all.
Current Headline News Section here
Remember, it is still news if you did not already know it.
Must Read 08
The Dallas Federal Reserve Bank President, Former Treasury Secretary, Head of the Congressional Budget Office and Leading Economists All Slam Bailout
Time for Legal Notice to be served - Time to Can the Fed and Phony Money
Pre-election Militarization of the North American Homeland. US Combat Troops in Iraq repatriated to " help with civil unrest"
Asia Needs Deal to Prevent Panic Selling of U.S. Debt
Daily Show: Bush 'won't be satisifed until American children are eating roadkill'
Money and Votes in Congress Over Gramm-Leach-Bliley Deregulation
Night of the Living Debt
What Would You Do If You Saw Your Nation Going Fascist?
Flashback: Loan sharks wreak havoc on Main Street and Wall Street <===
Heartless Phil and "honorable lobbyists" would run McCain's White House
YouTube - Obama lost without a teleprompter
5 page list of the nations leading economists, who do not agree with the Bailout Proposal
The New American Revolution: Break The Bank
Wall Streets Trillion Dollar Swindle
A 700 Billion Bailout With No Review or Oversight Whatsoever
Ron Paul's Federal Reserve Abolition Act - HR 2755 - Bravo!
Tell McCain - Stop Bailout Or Go Home
The $700 Billion Bailout Plan's Fine Print
Where Credit Is Due: A Timeline of the Mortgage Crisis
Dallas Fed's Fisher Says Bank Rescue Plan Would Worsen Fiscal `Chasm'
US taxpayers are being enrolled in an economic chain gang
Half a Trillion Bailout For The Creators of the Market Crisis
Military Industrial Complex 2.0 - Privatizing Pentagon
America Needs a Shadow Government?
we are truly locked into a life or death struggle <==
Bernanke Admits Bailout is NOT Aimed at Helping Taxpayers
Army to Be Deployed INSIDE U.S. as Part of Northcom
FDIC to Seize WaMu and Sell Deposits to JPMorgan
Google News - WAMU sold off articles
Fascist Business System Breeds Corruption Receivership
China banks told to halt lending to US banks-SCMP
Bailout Could Deepen Crisis, CBO Chief Says
New Economic Order - Russia to drop Dollar, start a Gold Rouble?
The Paulson Bail-Out Plan is Mortgage Fraud on Historic Scale?
Court orders release of Pentagon prisoner abuse pics
Pelosi, Kerry and more than 50 other members of Congress Have Direct Financial Stake in the Bailout.
White House Deputy Press Secretary Tony Fratto Admits They have Been Planning Bailout for Months!
YouTube - Rep. McDermott "Paulson can throw a pass to himself"
YouTube - If I Were A Terrorist - A James Pence Video!
YouTube - John McCain Kicks Librarian Out of Town Hall Event
YouTube - Oct. 1st Military starts Martial Law Mission in the US
Tweedle-Dee Tweedle-Dumb - Both parties of Stupid and Same <==
What 8 years of BushCheney have down to our economy
What 8 years of BushCheney have done to the world
Who are the big-money givers behind the candidates?
In The Coming Weeks <===
YouTube - Let's Play "WALLSTREET BAILOUT" The Rules Are... Rep Kaptur <==
Devvy Kidd -- Bailouts: the wound that will keep on hemorrhaging <===
Sarah Palin Links Iraq to 9/11 Again...
YouTube - Bailout Plan! The House Aint Buyin It!!
Election Theft for 2008 Already Underway
Giuliani sets up firm ‘to cash in on Wall Street’s train wreck,’ then joins McCain for tonight’s debate.
YouTube - Jack Cafferty Tells Us How He Really Feels About Sarah Palin
Take Back America from Wall Street <==
Latest False Prospectus From 'paulson's' Treasury
Bailout Outrage Races Across the Web
Bailing Out the American Economy
Has Sarah Palin Been Picked as the Titular Head of the Coming Police State?
"Wall Street Should Be Looking for Bail, Not a Bailout"
Chuck Baldwin -- No Amnesty For Wall Street <==
Ron Paul: My Answer to the President
Why is a U.S. Army brigade being assigned to the "Homeland"?
Trust us? In a pig's eye, I say
Has Deregulation Sired Fascism? By Paul Craig Roberts <===
A Frightened President Tries to Scare American Public on Bailout
Dirty Secret Of The Bailout: Thirty-Two Words That None Dare Utter
US bonds: Will foreign investors remain buyers?
Still Alive In Outlaw Territory <==
Paulson Will Morph Toxic Banks into Toxic US Dollars
YouTube - Congressman Ron Paul Schools Bernanke on the Bailout Plan
Ron Paul’s Joint Economic Committee Statement
Bigger Bailout II - Multi-Trillion Derivative Blowout
China Shuns Paulson's Free Market Push as Meltdown Burns U.S.
No More Power and Money for Government Failures! ALIPAC Opposes Bailout!
EXCLUSIVE: No Amnesty for Illegal Aliens or Wall Street Gangsters!
Letter from Ron Paul: Time is running out - The Sinister Bailout <===
Top 25 Censored Stories for 2009 | Project Censored <===
No blank check for Wall Street. Petition
What Wall Street Should Do To Get Its Blank Check
Half a Trillion Bailout For The Creators of the Market Crisis <===
Mad as hell - Taxpayers lash out - "NO NO NO. Not just no, but HELL NO" <==
looks like you and I will also be bailing out foreign banks
Devvy Kidd -- Battle plan for the 50 states <==
Greg Evensen -- The Choice is Simple, The Ballot Box or the Bullet Box <==
Andrew C. Wallace -- Government by Traitors and Cowards
10 Reasons to be Cautious About This Housing Rescue Plan for Motherland USA
Wall Street bailout plan explained, universally reviled It's unanimous
Bush’s Legacy Of Squandering Taxpayer Money
Flashback Dec 2007 - Derivatives Trade Soars To Record $681 Trillion
The Bailout Is NOT Limited to $700 Billion; UNLIMITED Taxpayer Money
Vote No Bailout!
Scrambling to Clean Up After A Category 4 Financial Storm
Default Swaps May Be Next In Credit Crisis
Iraq Bloodbath and the U.S. Presidential Campaign
Mushroom Cloud over Wall Street
RFK Jr., Mike Papantonio: "Is Your Vote Safe?"
Bernanke: the government should buy devalued assets at ABOVE-market values
Mobile phone use 'raises children's risk of brain cancer fivefold'
The Bush family - a cascade of fortunes and political careers founded on arms profiteering
Rise of the Fourth Reich: Bush Family Oligarchy <==
Paulson's Blow Torch <==
Who Will Speak For Us?
Financial crisis: Default by the US government is no longer unthinkable
Joan Veon -- America Reduced to Third World Status
vivid and detailed accounts of the devastation the U.S. occupation has brought to Iraq
Daily Kos: Ben Stein almost lets out the Big Secret <==
Treasury Auction Scam and How To Stop It
Conflict Of Interest? Report Says Goldman Sachs ‘Among Biggest Beneficiaries’ Of Paulson’s Bailout
Bailout Costs could have rebuilt the country's infastructure
FLASHBACK - Predatory Lenders' Partner in Crime
FLASHBACK - $521,000: The average pay of Goldman Sachs employees and that includes secretaries
FLASHBACK - Success shines unwelcome spotlight on to Goldman Sachs
[Video] ABC Panel Tears Into McCain - Decisions, Knowledge and Personality make us Fearful
Treasury Seeks Dictatorial Asset-Buying Power Unchecked by Courts
The Subprime Trump Card: Standing up to the Banks
McCain: I’m glad I deregulated Wall Street.
Economists: Gramm To Blame For The Current Crisis <===
Chuck Baldwin -- Thank You, Dr. Ron Paul
"The Killers Are with the Patient" <==
Paulson plan throws oil on fire
Ron Paul: Bailouts will lead to rough economic ride
Constituents Give Congress an Earful on Bailout
$2.5 billion bonus pool for 10,000 Lehmanites? $250-thou per employee
Ten Things You Should Know About Bush's Trillion Dollar Fleecing Plan
Fury at $2.5 Billion in Lehman bonus
You Own Junk Bonds, Like it or Not <==
The Revealing Barack Obama Test
Calling Out the Culprits Who Caused the Crisis <==
Paulson Bailout Plan a Historic Swindle
China Blames Wall Street Meltdown On Fed Overissuance Of Currency
Financial Bailout: America's Own Kleptocracy
Paulson Commits Trillions of Tax Payer Dollars to the Mother of All Bailouts
Up To 500 Bank Closures Could Absorb FDIC Funds
America Is Too Big To Fail ... Broke
The Big Picture | US Bank Derivative Exposure
Paulson: Congress Has No Authority Here - WTF is this crap
Paul Craig Roberts: Will Lehman's Fate be America's?
FindLaw's Writ - Dean: Vice President Dick Cheney's Incredible and Deadly Lie
The Potential End Of America's Government - The Market Ticker
Flashback 2004: Deja Vu - Speeches ignore impending U.S. debt disaster / No mention of fiscal gap estimated as high as $72 trillion
In Debt We Trust (Full) - video <==
'Tent cities' of homeless on the rise across the US - Bush's true legacy.....
It’S The Derivatives, Stupid! Why Fannie, Freddie And Aig All Had To Be Bailed Out
Global credit system suffers cardiac arrest on US crash
Meltdown 2008
No bank is safe in this alarming atmosphere
Panic, Consolidate, Game Over
How the GOP Wired Ohio's 2004 Vote Count for Bush to Win
YouTube - 9/10/2001: Rumsfeld says $2.3 TRILLION Missing from Pentagon
151 Congressmen Derive Financial Profit From War
U.S. citizens demand truth on 9/11
Wall Street crisis is culmination of 28 years of deregulation
Global banks brace for derivative blow-up
For prosecution of Bush war crimes, planning begins
Media Manipulation - Leading Journalists Expose Major Media Manipulations
The U.S. Financial System in Serious Trouble
Subprime Mortgage Meltdown: Paulson's Quick Draw
Unaccountable Secret Government: Most Serious Constitutional Crisis in American History
Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud
What You Can Do to Put Bush and Cheney Behind Bars
YouTube - IT'S LIKE A FIX FOR A JUNKIE! Ron Paul on Economy Meltdown
YouTube - Vicente Fox tells American Workers To "Get Over It" they must retrain for GLOBAL work
YouTube - Max Keiser on the US government bailout of the financial system.
Ron Paul Blasts “Secret Government” Running Economy, warns middle class in danger of being wiped out
Rights Group Suing ATT for Spying Sues NSA and Cheney, Too
Devvy Kidd -- National ID the conundrum of enforcement
Health facilities flush estimated 250 Million pounds of drugs a year
YouTube - Ron Paul on the Global Financial Crisis <==
YouTube - GOLD VS DOLLAR - value of the dollar is dropping like a rock
Plunder - Investigating Our Economic Calamity
Celente Trend Alert - Economic 911 - Depression Next
The Trap - Behind The Bailout Curtain
The Party's Over - The End of Empire
Huge Holes In The Parachute - Deregulation Did This
Hang On To Your Wallets, The Government Is About To Rescue Us
The Real Reason for the Global Financial Crisis…the Story No One’s Talking About
Nouriel Roubini: The US has invented socialism for the rich
Key Witness to WTC 7 Explosions Dead at 53 - Barry Jennings <===
Top Economist: Americans Should Worry About Bank Deposits if Congress Doesn't Act
The Pentagon Strangles Our Economy: Why the U.S. Has Gone Broke By Chalmers Johnson
SEC adopts rules against naked short-selling - Years Too Late tho
Is Sarah Palin’s God a Liar and a War Criminal?
The Draft Iraqi Oil Law: Making a Mockery of Sovereignty - Rape of Iraq
Save Our Constitution - Impeach - 4 minutes
Announcing Plans to Prosecute Bush in Vermont
Holding US Officials Responsible for War Crimes termed a Matter of Urgent Importance
Money As Debt - Fractional Reserve Banking Exposed - 47 min
The Upside-Down World Of Denial Conquest
US Economy: Rudderless and Reeling From Direct Hits By Paul Craig Roberts
"Crossing the Rubicon" by Dr. James Glenn
Congressman Ron Paul - In Government We Trust? Part 3
Joan Veon -- The Final Destruction of The Middle Class
McCain Blasts Wall Street Failure, Neglects To Mention His Adviser Helped Cause It
Foreclosure Phil Gramm - man that was Instrumental to the Financial Mess
How housing bill helps banks - $300 billion housing bill is a theft of taxpayer money
US in 'once-in-a-century' financial crisis : Greenspan
Wall Street crisis: Is this the death knell for derivatives?
America 's Financial Apocalypse Heralds Decade Long Depression <==
Subverting Democracy Through Electoral Fraud
Bank of America, Merrill Bailout Disguised as Buyout?
The Crash of Western Capitalist Civilization?
Obama On Gun Control - The Facts
Youtube: Could have been Paul but Noooooo
Voting Fourth Party - the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil
"Last Gasp of a Doomed Currency" by Peter Schiff
Unfit to stand so close to presidency - The Boston Globe
'Songbird' McCain Exploits 911, Hopes to Become Bush's Third Term
Leaked Draft Agreement Calls for Indefinite Iraq Occupation
Palin Links Iraq to Sept. 11 In Talk to Troops in Alaska
Should Biden Share Blame for Foreclosure Crisis? bankruptcy bill backed by banks and credit card companies
Temporary Respites from Permanent Decline By Paul Craig Roberts
Two High-Ranking McCain Campaign Officials Lobbied For Companies At Center of Sex-For-Oil Scandal
Seventh Anniversary 9/11 - For a full and independent investigation
The government, the media and Afghanistan - Glenn Greenwald
The Red White and Blue Roots of Terrorism <==
Globalist Ultimatum: Pay up or Collapse - Bailouts for the Crooks
Washington's Kleptocratic State: "More Communist Than China" <==
Mike Whitney: An Interview with Michael Hudson on the Worsening Debt Crisis
9/11/1 To 9/11/8 - Seven Year Tribulation <==
Was America Attacked by Muslims on 9/11? <==
Comrades Bush, Paulson and Bernanke Welcome You to the USSRA
Evaluating the Security of Electronic Voting Systems
The Shredding of The Bill of Rights in St. Paul - Criminal Cops
Rumsfeld Sept 10, 2001: The Pentagon cannot account for $2.3 TRILLION
The GOP wants another 9/11 to boost John McCain
Obama Will Reinstate Draft - The Coming War
Terror Plan Would Give F.B.I. More Power - without any direct evidence of wrongdoing
The New Pearl Harbor Revisited: The Definitive Treatment of 9/11
Do I Have to Obey Orders From an Unconstitutional Government?
Real ID - California bill SB 60 Passed Assembly and Senate <===
Voters Angry Over Immigration - Candidates, Media Mum
Olbermann: Bush Administration “Allowed 9/11 Attacks To Occur” <===
US Politicians Admit Georgia Started the Conflict with Russia
Press TV - Pak army ordered to hit back against US forces invasion
Reflections on 9-11
9/11 and the Great American Decline
The War On Waste, Defense Department Cannot Account For $2.3 Trillion 9-10-2001
9/11 and the "American Inquisition"
The Reflecting Pool - video on 911 Facts
Brussels in 'frightening' grab for personal information - Tied to U.S.
YouTube - McCain Means The Draft
YouTube - Rep. Paul Raps "Fraud" on the Voters
Statement on Sovereign Wealth Funds - Ron Paul
Breaking News -- Ron Paul Calls on Voters to Support Third Party Candidates
Twenty-Six Things We Now Know Seven Years After 9/11
Breaking the Spell with 9-11 Truth
9-11 Film Festival 2008
Congressman Ron Paul - In Government We Trust? Part 2
Liquid Bomb “Terror Plot” frame-up Collapses In Court
WaMu Drops on Regulatory Scrutiny as CEO Is Replaced
This Time, the World Is Not Buying It - by Paul Craig Roberts <===
Weird Theology in Wasilla: A Look Inside Sarah Palin's Pentecostal Church | Rights and Liberties
Change Or Surrender! - Speaking out is not a privilege it's a duty <==
Deadly Legacy Of US Sanctuary Cities
9/11’s accomplices vie for US presidency: Obama and McCain campaigns fan ‘war on terrorism’ hysteria
Globalists Henry Kissinger Richard Haass Confronted on Terrorism and Global Depopulation Policies
YouTube - 9/11 Truth Documentary - Grave Implications
Republican 911 "Tribute" Video links Iran with 911 - Emotionally Charged Propaganda to play on the fears of Americans to further their cause. Despicable
YouTube - Olbermann on the Republican party's marketing of fear <===
McCain Speech Receives Polite Applause Online - remarkably devoid of Importance
Why We Were Falsely Arrested - We are living in a police state
YouTube - John McCain's chart-topping single "Bomb Iran"
YouTube - Blackwater, America's Private Army
Witness To WTC Explosions On 9/11 Kills Himself.....
Secret “Geo-Engineering” Projects Threaten Unknown Environmental Dangers
Ron Paul to Make Major Announcement Next Week
YouTube - Richard Gage, AIA responds to H.R. 1955 and SWC
Obama Caught Lying About CFR - NAU Ties - video
Obama's BOGUS Health Plan
Extinguishing Liberty’s Light and Independent Views, Thinking For Yourself Is Now A Crime!
Bush Extends 9/11 National Emergency Yet Again - COG Executive Tyranny
Government to wipe out Fannie/Freddie shareholders by Sunday - $800 billion bail out
Bend Over, Here It Comes (Fraudie/Phoney) - The Market Ticker
Incompetent FBI Merely 'Assumed' Wreckage to be Hijacked Planes <===
Mike Ruppert - CIA and Drug Running (1997) - video <==
Arthritis Rx To Carry Stronger Warnings...Like Death
YouTube - Respond - 9/11 First Responders Need Your Help
The Iran War - How It Will Begin and ....
Solari | The Missing Money - Trillions Missing!!!!!!!!!!!
Over 10,000 Ron Paul Supporters "Rally for the Republic" in Minneapolis
Ron Paul's Speech - Rally for the Republic <===
GOP NAZI Secret Service confiscates books button from Ron Paul delegates
YouTube - Ralph Nader on Two-Party Corp. Dictatorship and more
Russian Media Covers Ron Paul Rally <==
RussiaToday : Allegations of Georgian war crimes begin to surface
What the Violence Against Protesters at the Convention Really Means
Thousands Gather in Minneapolis for Ron Paul Counter-Convention
The Calamity of Bush's Conservatism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Homeland security TSA seizures border on fascism
Danger grows of NATO-Russian clash in Black Sea
Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent by declaring indefinite state of war
Palin: ‘Pray That’ Our Leaders Are Sending Our Troops to Iraq ‘On a Task From God’
US Plans Billion-Dollar Aid Package For Georgia - weaponry?
Ventura Voices 9/11 Truth At Rally For The Republic
McCain Manager: 'This Election is Not About Issues'
The Bush Regime's Imperial Affirmation: Endless War, Endless Conquest, Endless Repression
US National Debt Clock - Ya Gotta Laugh
The Lowest Common Denominator (Part II) - Bush minions have reservations in hell
YouTube - Jesse Ventura At Ron Paul Minnesota Rally RNC 9/11 Part 2
Looking at America's Police State - We are tired of the wars and the lies
YouTube - RON PAUL Minnesota Rally RNC Part 1
Historical Flashback: JFK On The Danger Of Secret Societies
Paul: End U.S. Wars and Ramp up Trade and Domestic Energy Production
September Surprise, Get ready for it… - by Justin Raimondo
Fabled Enemies - Who is the Real Enemy? - video <===
Nuclear Armaggedon: Jason Bermas Interviews Paul Craig Roberts
Amy Goodman and Two Democracy Now! Producers Unlawfully Arrested at RNC
New Spy Software Coming On-Line: "Surveillance in a Box" Makes its Debut
The War on Terror Debunked, America Tries to Raise a Dead Enemy from the Grave
Government Biological Weapons Legislator: Anthrax Inside Job Cover Up Continuing
Russia threatens to supply Iran with top new missile system as 'cold war' escalates
The CIA, Contras, Gangs, and Crack
The Land of the Silent and the Home of the Fearful <==
What is the Keating Five? - McCain was one of the Crooks
McCain: The Most Reprehensible of the Keating Five
Congressman Ron Paul - In Government We Trust? Part 1
Scenes from St. Paul -- Democracy Now's Amy Goodman arrested
Credit Crisis Financial Armageddon - even after $4 trillion worth of infusions over the last year
Fed Imposes Financial Sector Imperialism over US Economy
Debt Threatens The Entire System - The International Forecaster
Massive police raids on suspected protestors in Minneapolis
Ron Paul: ‘There’s no difference’ between McCain and Obama
ACLU: DNC Protesters Arrested, Shackled, Denied Attorneys, Forced To Plead Guilty
The Mafia, the CIA and Bush Sr. - Bank Deregulation and Massive Theft <==
Media Blackout: The Armada in the Gulf by Gary North <==
Anatomy of a malware scam - Something you should know
Bush quietly seeks to make war powers permanent, by declaring indefinite state of war
Wag the Dog: How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse
YouTube - RNC Eve: "Police Are Acting Like Nazis"
Police State RNC: A Nun and Eight Others Swept into Unmarked Van by Cops in Minnesota
Fabled Enemies: Spy Thriller Exposes Vast Intelligence Plot Behind 9/11
You, Me, and the FDIC by Gary North
The Democrats endorse the "Global War on Terrorism": Obama "goes after" Osama <===
Federal Attitude Policy - TSA Madness and Tyranny by James Bovard
Barry’s Monstrous Itch or Barry's Brownshirts
Longing for Dictatorship by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
youtube: Which Side Are You On
Economic Depression: Who will Suffer the Least?
YouTube - Ron Paul on CNN: McCain, Obama 'no difference'
When Worlds Collide
Is Your Bank About to Implode? The FDIC is Hinting, YES!
Black LA Talk Radio Host Exposes Obama Lies - Even Bigger Lier than Bush
Countdown To Looking Glass
Russia 'could destroy NATO ships in Black Sea within 20 minutes'
Barack Obama Is Not a US Citizen
Russia Issues War Warning To NATO
War With Russia Is On The Agenda
Suppose Building Seven Was A Murder Victim
Military help for Georgia is a 'declaration of war', says Moscow in extraordinary warning to the West
YouTube - DNC Protests: a real 'tough' __, Police slam woman to the ground
McCain: Iraq Is ‘A Peaceful And Stable Country Now’ - loon..
youtube: More Tyranny: ABC News Producer Arrested in Denver
McCain adviser: Everyone in U.S. has some health coverage - Total Idiot
CRUNCH TIME: Set the crash-alert flags at half-mast
Police trap peaceful protesters in Denver, use pepper spray and batons on trapped crowd
America - The Newest Third World Nation
WalMart Is An Economic Disease
Clinton, Obama Sponsor Bill to Make McCain a Legal US Citizen
Clinton supporter sues Obama on grounds he is constitutionally ineligible for Presidency
Sam E. Rohrer -- REAL ID: Connecting the dots to an International ID
Debunking NIST's Conclusions about WTC 7: Easy as Shooting Fish in a Barrel <==
Devvy Kidd -- Anthrax suspect's suicide: Who benefits? - Just more Coverups
Impeachment is Not Enough <==
Appeals Court Punts on ATT Spying Case Appeal | Threat Level from
FBI May Start Spying On Americans "Without Any Basis For Suspicion" <===
FLASHBACK - Zogby: Millions of New Yorkers do not believe official story of 9-11
And None Dare Call It Treason - by Pat Buchanan <==
YouTube - Mainstream Media Commercial - it's a very sad truth...
Bush, Cheney and Rice; Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels
SSRI Stories - Significant Evidence Against Use of SSRI's
Nuclear Chicken in Poland: Putin can't afford to back down by Mike Whitney
Pipeline Plans And Diaper Dreaming re Russia
High Treason: 'Pentagon Lied to the 911 Commission' ; Bush's Theory Falls Apart
What Really Happened to Seven World Trade Center on September 11, 2001?
Devvy Kidd -- Joseph Biden: Liar, cheat, traitor
FDIC gets ready for bank failures
Biden - Warmonger, Wordmonger And Political Hit Man
On Iraq, Biden Is Worse than McCain
Banking Systemic Crisis as Losses Pass $500 Billion
911 False Flag - German Documentary - 1:13 <===
What's So Heroic About Being Shot Down While Bombing Innocent Civilians?
Elections 2008: Voting machine companies will be COUNTING the vote
Planning to E-Vote? Read This First: Scientific American
Russia Checkmates the Neocons
TPF: McCain On Reinstituting A Military Draft: ‘I Don’t Disagree’
AE911Truth - Architects Engineers for 9/11 Truth!
Twilight of the Psychopaths by Dr. Kevin Barrett
NIST on WTC 7: "Then a Miracle Occurs"
Jim Rogers Exclusive: Bigger Financial Shocks Loom Consequences to Impact for Years
Advisor to FBI in Anthrax Investigation Says Attack Was False Flag Terror
Wars and Rumors of War <==
The Disconnect Between Supply and Demand in Gold Silver Markets
The Great Consumer Crash of 2009 <==
I.O.U.S.A.: The Movie <==
The Narrative Versus the News- Cherry Picked News
The New Cold War Turns Hot: How Washington’s encirclement of Russia threatens us all
The Greenback Blues: Something's Gotta Give
Q and A about the NIST WTC 7 Investigation - BASED on NO PHYSICAL EVIDENCE
Cafferty Asserts Saakashvili Started it!
Arctic Ice Grows 30 Per Cent In the past Year
Scientist Predicts Little Ice Age Within 10 Years ?
Bush's Dirty Little Medicare Secret <==
Are You Ready For Nuclear War? - Paul Craig Roberts
George, Stay Out of Georgia by William S. Lind
Crisis in the Caucasus. What Were They Smoking in the White House? by Eric Margolis
Mr. Bush, Enough!!
The Secret Deal For Iraq's Oil Four months before the United States invaded Iraq
Meet the Economist Who Thinks We're Doomed
Missile Defense: Washington and Poland just moved the World closer to War
The Russo-Georgian War and the Balance of Power | Stratfor
Nuclear war by miscalculation - F. William Engdahl
YouTube - Ron Paul predicted Georgia Conflict Back in 2002
YouTube - Dr.Paul talks about Bernanke's Testimony
US/IRAN: Nothing Behind U.S. Allegations?
Andrew C. Wallace -- Declaration of the People’s Sovereignty
YouTube - The Second American Revolution
Medvedev - Bush Missile Shield 'Targets Russia'
YouTube - John McCain - Lost in Space (Part Two)
YouTube - Obama will let "Bush's Crimes Remain Buried For All Time"
Pole Position: More U.S. Troops Sent to Russian Border
YouTube - 12 year old ossetian girl tells the truth about Georgia Attack
Bush Speech Continues Dangerous Brinkmanship with Russia
A Letter to Colin Powell By Ray McGovern
House Judiciary Committee To Investigate Plot To Paint Plane In UN Colors And Provoke Shootdown Over Iraq
Congressman Ron Paul - How Foreign Policy Affects Gas Prices
YouTube - America Learns it was Lied into War - Nation Yawns (Part 1)
YouTube - Cafferty: Bush forged letter for Iraq's WMD 911 Hijacker
Mike Whitney: Revisiting the "Battle of Tskhinvali"
BBC Video Proves Georgia to Blame for Hostilities
YouTube - Washington sanctioned assault on South Ossetia - Paul Craig Roberts
Who's to blame for the Russian Georgian conflict? - Pepe Escobar
Chuck Baldwin -- America's Greatest Threat - Is From Within <===
There May Be Many Mushroom Clouds In Our Future <===
Economy of the Living Dead
Neocons Call For U.S. To Launch War With Russia <===
The Lobby Like No Other Wants a War Like No Other
The Depleted Uranium Threat
Mr. Bush, Enough!! - What colossal audacity <==
LA Times: A classic example of Disinformation - It was a Georgian massacre of Russians
FBI spying rules to loosen - transformation into an elite national security agency
Vladimir Putin's mastery checkmates the West
Same As the Old Boss: Both McCain and Obama's Advisors Want War in Georgia
Marching Through Georgia V: U.S. Forces Moving Into Putin's Powderkeg
The RoveCyberGate Campaign: Stunning Revelations About Election Fraud How You Can Help Preserve the Integrity of Your Ballot
Cancer Institute Warns of Cell Phone Risks
"Martial Law" Declared in Arkansas Town
South Ossetia: Politics, Diplomacy and War
America's Israeli-Occupied Media - by Philip Giraldi
Study: Most companies avoid income taxes
Russia Repeats Right To Nuke Bush's EU Missiles
The Military U.S. Army's 4th PSYOPs Group CNN
Russians Have Introduced Ballistic Missile Launchers Into South Ossetia
A Path to Peace in the Caucasus - Georgia Struck First
Three major US naval strike forces due this week in Persian Gulf
2008's First Disenfranchised Voters: Injured and Homeless Veterans
This is a tale of US expansion not Russian aggression <==
Denver Police Smash Man’s Teeth Out On Sidewalk and LIE about it <==
Mikheil Saakashvili: War Criminal- A politician's hubris causes untold human suffering
FEIN: Assault on self-government
Impeachment |
Georgia war is a neocon election ploy
Prince Charles warns GM crops risk causing the biggest-ever environmental disaster
Ron Suskind on How the Bush Admin Deliberately Faked an Iraq-al-Qaeda Connection
The Mukasey Doctrine—By Scott Horton (Harper's Magazine) <==
Truthdig - ‘Where Are the Weapons of Mass Destruction?’
“The Neocons Are Dying to Nuke Iran” An interview with Dr. Paul Craig Roberts
Dem National Platform: Ban Semi-autos, Close Down Gun Shows
Use of Iraq Contractors Costs Billions, Report Says - War Profiteering
Bush bans voter registration at VA facilities
Fabled Enemies - Israeli Operatives - Trailer 2
South Ossetia: superpower oil war
US and NATO protecting Afghan drug trade
Ron Paul Fears Staged Iran Pretext Could Bring National Draft
Media portrays US/NATO client state Georgia as victim despite war crimes provocation to launch conflict
The Real Aggressor- Georgian invasion of South Ossetia sets the stage for a wider war
American Mercenary Captured By Russians
More Evidence of U.S. Complicity in S. Ossetia Invasion
Obama Sides With Genocidal Georgians
YouTube - New World Order Out Of Chaos: The Coming Economic Depression
YouTube - The truth about South Ossetia War, Georgia attack, and Russia's response
YouTube - Ron Paul: The Last Chance for Peace - Obama Exposed!!!
Expect More Mass Murder After Obama or McCain Selection
No military, political or moral justification to initiate war with Iran
White House memo exposes Rove knew of problems with anthrax vaccine
Top CIA official confesses order to forge Iraq-9/11 letter came on White House stationery
U.S. Attacks Russia Through Client State Georgia
Marching off into tyranny - By Paul Craig Roberts
America Out of Economic Ammunition
This war came from a think tank
Hersh: Cheney Plan for Creating False Flag Attack
The Looming Federal Default: Sooner or Later? by Gary North
Ron Suskind: The Forged Iraqi Letter: What Just Happened?
Anti-War Website Operator Threatened By Armed Thugs
YouTube - The New American Empire <==
FLASHBACK - Feds Train Clergy To "Quell Dissent" During Martial Law
Georgia: Reckless Saakashvili took on Russian Goliath Putin
Operation Dagestan
‘Bodies Are Lying Everywhere. It’s Hell’
Bush's War in Georgia; Will it be the Flyswatter or the Blunderbuss?
War in the Caucasus: Towards a Broader Russia-US Military Confrontation?
Did the U.S. Prep Georgia for War with Russia?
The Anthrax Follies and the Bizarro Effect- The case against Bruce Ivins is pathetic
Did U.S., Israel Provocateur S. Ossetia Conflict? Does the Sun Come Up in the Morning?
YouTube - American says U.S. and Georgia to answer for violence killing
Massive US Naval Armada Heads For Iran
South Ossetia officials said Georgia attacked them, asked Russia for help
Vladimir Putin vows Russia will retaliate against Georgia - Telegraph
Up to 1,000 Israeli military advisers backs Georgia in Caspian Oil Pipeline Battle with Russia
10 Reasons Why California is Years Away from a Housing Bottom
YouTube - John McCain in "Missing, Presumed Dead"
Our $100 Trillion National Debt by Bill Walker
F.B.I. Presents Anthrax Case, Saying Scientist Acted Alone - Readers' Comments
It was Feith’s office, not CIA, that forged the Habbush letter.
Is the U.S. Banking System Safe?
Marching Off Into Tyranny By Paul Craig Roberts
What the Iraq Forgery Says About 9/11
Law Professor: Counter Terrorism Czar Told Me There Is Going To Be An i-9/11 And An i-Patriot Act
FBI was told to blame Anthrax scare on Al Qaeda by White House officials
Massive US deficit spells austerity policy for next administration
Speculation behind global commodity price rise
Travelers beware: U.S. agents can seize and retain laptops indefinitely…
DHS Seizes Laptops at Border, Shares Data with Corporations
The TSA Follies - Homeland Stupidity
Is the DEA Contracting Blackwater?
Colorado "Fusion Center" to Step Up Intelligence Gathering During DNC; US Northern Command to Play Role
Border Laptop Searches? No Reason Needed
Bailing Out the Bad Guys: What Congress and Bush Do Best <==
United States Defeated in Iraq?
Bob Barr 2008 — Liberty for America
STOP the Bill of Rights Blackout! › Bob Barr 2008
The Goldilocks Matrix - The International Forecaster
Did McCain's foreign-policy advisor profit from the Iraq war?
Food Crisis Looms as Corporations Seize Control of Commodities
Greedy bankers, lousy government led to housing mess
US Government RATS Did The Anthrax Attacks
Friday's House Judiciary Hearing on Impeachment: A Victory and a Challenge
US Acts Of War Against Iran
How Safe is Your Bank? - FDIC Rules for Insurance
Bush White House Hides True Scope of Federal Deficit
Was 9/11 An Inside Job?
The Big Bailout: America as a Full-Spectrum Kleptocracy by William Norman Grigg
Googlevideo: Who Killed the Electric Car?
Rand Report Utterly Discredits Bush, Leaves McCain Without a Campaign
Hegemony Everywhere But At Home
Let's Speak the Truth About Afghanistan
Obama and McCain Suck Up to the Bankers that Created the Financial Mess
YouTube - The Dollar Is Becoming Worthless!
YouTube - Countdown: Ron Suskind Interview - on the WMD LIES
YouTube - I.O.U.S.A. Movie Trailer - but it is Not WE, It is Bush and Clinton before...
Lies and Fabrications are Behind the Drive to Attack Iran
The Coming War with Iran: Putting Words into Iranian President Ahmadinejad's Mouth
Chuck Baldwin -- The Three Amigos
Israel ready to attack Iran without USA’s permission
Media Blackout On Cheney Iran False Flag Story
Cheney weighs fratricide to sell war on Iran
YouTube - Keith Olbermann: Dick Cheney talked about killing Americans to start another war!
YouTube - "Worst coverup in the history of the military", SECRET SHOTS
The Anthrax Attack Was a Classic False Flag Operation Targeting Arabs
The United States Is In Deep Doodoo! Is The U.S. Already Bankrupt?
Congressman Ron Paul - Washington's Intervention Addiction
The Real State of the US Economy, Henry Paulson has lost the control over US finance
McCain suggests military-style invasion modeled on the surge to control inner city crime
YouTube - Oklahoma City Bombing RARE footage, 3 explosive devices planted INSIDE the building
ACTA - Authority to seize and destroy copyrighted materials on Internet/Border
Barack Obama`s 10 Point Plan to "Change" The Second Amendment
Not a Dime's Worth of Difference on Foreign Policy
The Death Of Freedom
ATT: Speaker Pelosi-- Here is a law Bush has broken
Bush must be stopped before starting war with Iran
Has America become Fascist? <==
Justice Department authorized CIA to torture prisoners in its custody
Laptops, flash drives, cell phones, iPods, pagers, beepers, and video and audio tapes may be detained at border
To Provoke War, Cheney Considered Proposal To Dress Up Navy Seals As Iranians And Shoot At Them
Rule by fear or rule by law? - Rep. Dan Hamburg <===
Top Advisor to U.S. Military Confirms The War on Terror Is a Hoax: "There is No Battlefield Solution to Terrorism"
Welcome To The 21st Century Police State
Book Review: Ron Paul Tells How to Eliminate America's Imperial Government in 'The Revolution'
Neuroscience, National Security the "War on Terror"
The World's Foremost Terrorist - The US Government
Secrets Lies
Devvy Kidd -- The Case for Hanging Errant Public Officials
The Real Meaning of Inflation by Ron Paul
The Greatest Threat America Has Ever Faced: the GOP?
FindLaw's Writ - Dean: Congress Is Well-Aware Of Bush’s Imperial Presidency and Its Abuses of Power
YouTube - For 2 months at Camp Pendleton Domestic Military Operations?
China's economic 'bargaining chip'
Paper Sold To Pools Of Liquidity
How the US Government Was Overthrown In Three Easy Steps
Behaviourism, Psycho-Analysis and Physiological Manipulation in Education: The Scientific Outlook Part 5
Thar She Blows - The Last Hurrah for the Banking System
Speculators Trying to Buy Control of Food Supply
The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda
US National Debt Limit Raised Ahead of Budget Busting Bailout Legislation
US Banking Crisis Warning: Uninsured Depositors At WaMu Are Asking For Trouble!
St. Barack's Millennial Kingdom, advocates of state-mandated "service" <==
Impeach Senator Barack Obama Petition
The Dark Side - The War On Terror
US Imperialism, Obamamania Over - Alleluia
Credit Crunch Reaches Downward Spiral Critical Mass
United States Abandoning Capitalism for Socialism
Cops Tase Barely Conscious Boy With Broken Back 19 Times For Non-Compliance
Forgetting His Vote To Allow Waterboarding, McCain Says ‘We Could Never Torture Anyone’
Baghdad on the Bayou: Blackwater and Israeli Commandos After Katrina
Ben Bernanke’s Hush Money by Gary North
O’Reilly, Ingraham: Saying That U.S. Tortures Is ‘One Of The Most Hateful Stereotypes About America’
Pull the Plug on the War State - by Charley Reese <==
United States has bigger problems than the war on terror <==
The War Party's Credo: Power Before Profits- by Justin Raimondo
The Military-Industrial Complex - by Chalmers Johnson and Tom Engelhardt
Mayer: Top DOJ Lawyers Spoke ‘In Codes’ For Fear Of Being Wiretapped By White House ‘Lunatics’
Your Tax Dollars at Work by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.
Iran in the Spotlight at Christian Biblical "End Times" Confab
Obama's "change" promises a continued path towards world government
YouTube - Scott McClellan exposed Fox News as a propaganda tool for the White House
Bush Guilty Of Murder 1 - Bugliosi To Congress vid
Why Bush Impeachment Is Necessary
Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers
Torture Memos Makes DOJ Sound Like Mob Attorney
Statement on Housing Bill HR 3221 - Congressman Ron Paul
Obama on the Brink - Robert Scheer
Court Confirms President's Dictatorial Powers
Impeachment Hearings: Parade of ‘Shrill" Unserious Extremists’ on Display
YouTube - Barack Obama: Global Poverty Act = World tax = Socialism
Fight Foreclosure: Make ‘Em Produce The Note!
YouTube - Obama Calls For "New World Order" In Berlin
CNN: Campbell Brown Calls House Judiciary Committee Hearing "Stagecraft" "Kabuki Theatre" "Waste of Taxpayers' Money" - The Bought off MSM Media is just blowing smoke up your ___
The Future of Food, It's not looking good
Quotes from the great depression
25 Reasons to Deport Illegal Aliens...
Kucinich Testifies on Abuses of Executive Power
Vincent Bugliosi at Impeachment Hearings 7/25/08
Obama, the Prince of Bait-and-Switch by John Pilger
YouTube - The Other Donald Duck Tax Propaganda Film
Why No Trial by Jury at Gitmo? - Kangeroo Court
Investors worldwide are betting more than $1 trillion on a collapse in American stock prices
Chuck Baldwin -- The Religious Right Is AWOL From The Real War
McFadden's Attempts to Abolish the Federal Reserve System
Mukasey To Congress: Defy The Rule Of Law
Fiat Faith Based Currencies - Dr. Ron Paul
US Military Recruits Children: "America's Army" Video Game Violates International Law
Are You On the Terror Watch List? Good Luck Getting Off It
Zbigniew Brzezinski to be the real power behind an Obama throne
It's Always Darkest Before the Dawn...of a Economic Depression
Using Law to Justify Torture - The Washington Independent
Main Core: New Evidence Reveals Top Secret Government Database Used in Bush Spy Program
Tased Until Dead: The Epidemic of Taser Crazy Cops
Rove Threatened GOP IT Guru If He Does Not 'Take the Fall' for Election Fraud in Ohio, Says Attorney
CENTCOM’s Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony
'F' For America - No Strategic Vision, No Strategic Plan <==
Heating up the Cold War - Our Destruction <===
Devvy Kidd -- The Revolution grows: St. Paul 2008 <==
Crimes and Misdemeanors - Some Scandals by the Bush Admin!!
More Children's Toys Contain High Levels of Heavy Metals, Dangerous Chemicals
The Real Reason that the U.S. Tortures People
Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power - New SPYING Evidence
YouTube - Homeland Sec Committee Not Allowed To See Martial Law Plan!
Ron Paul on the Housing Bill 7/23/08 - "The Mother of All Bailouts" [video]
Hear This Barack - NO Bush, NO Baker, NO Corporate War Maker. We've Had Enough!
The U.S. military is the single largest consumer of energy in the world
Robert Wexler Demands Impeachment Hearings Now
Tammy Baldwin Says Bush and Cheney Should Be Impeached
Andrea Mitchell says Obama gave fake interviews in the Middle East
US Govt No Longer Values Citizenship
What To Do? What To Do?
United States Unfolding Financial and Economic Nightmare
Inflation And The Specter Of World Revolution
Historical Changes In False Flag Terrorism
Thousands with criminal records work unlicensed as loan originators
ACLU: Justice Department, Bush Admin Memos authorized CIA torture
Evidence of the US Banking System Teetering on the Brink of Collapse <==
Death Spiral Financing at Citigroup, Merrill Lynch, WaMu...
Group claims 100,000 signatures in 'Send Rove to Jail' campaign
Youtube: Bayer Corporation knew about live H.I.V. Virus in their hemopheliac medicine
Leaders of the free world - torture, rendition and human rights abuses
CENTCOM's Master Plan and U.S. Global Hegemony by Robert Higgs <===
Top Rocket Scientist: No Evidence CO2 Causes Global Warming
ACLU: Mukasey wants Congress 'to subvert' Constitution <==
Angry at Bush, Russia considers closer Venezuela, Cuba ties
Bush actions puts the world on a hair-trigger to nuclear holocaust in the few years ahead
Obama, The Democratic 'War President' by Eric Margolis
Rolling the Dice Once Again – in Iran
Kucinich vs. The Establishment: Impeachment Hearing On Friday
YouTube - 9/11: Total Proof That Bombs Were Planted In The Buildings!
911 False Flag - German Documentary - 1:13 <===
Concern Mounts About FDIC Deposit Fund, Barely has 1.1% of total deposits
Officials against torture memo feared wiretaps, physical danger
The White House wins a disturbing legal victory - to lock people up indefinitely simply on the president's say-so
Attack of the Global Pirate Bankers <==
Conservative Lawyers Urge Bush To Issue ‘Pre-Emptive Pardons’ To Officials Involved In Illegal Programs <===
Collapsing Fiat Currency In Need of a Golden Parachute with a Silver Lining <==
How the United States wrecked the world’s most robust economy and impoverished its own people with the FED
Devvy Kidd -- Americans embracing their own destruction <==
Everybody Knows! - this non-stop farce of political selections <==
As faith in bank bailouts dims, losses set to deepen
**Red Alert** Rape By Congress Imminent - $800 BILLION dollar blank check
Afghanistan experts say John McCain and Barack Obama are clueless
The Mother of All Messes by Paul Craig Roberts
A Brazen Evil- message to the West: take out Iran, or we'll nuke 'em!
Death of Free Internet is Imminent, Canada Will Become Test Case <==
British MP : George Galloway Telling It Like It Is about the consequences of an attack on Iran
Wall Street's Great Deflation
The Big Financial Bailouts - Protecting Their Own
GOP whistleblower names Karl Rove in Ohio's 04 election theft
Selection ‘08 - Buyer Beware! v.2
Nationalization, Fiasco, USDollar, Gold - Jim Willie
The Daily Reckoning :: View topic - INSIDERS AGREE: BANK RUNS IMMINENT
US Dollar Final Decent - Dangers 2008-2009 Part2
US Government to Intervene to Prevent US Dollar Collapse
Fed Asks for Blank Check for Fannie and Freddie in Flawed Rescue Plan and You will Pay for it
The Theft of Your Vote Is Just a Chip Away
GOP cyber-security expert suggests Diebold tampered with 2002 election
Global Warming Conclusively Debunked As Gore Calls For CO2 Tax
Vincent Bugliosi - Bush murder trial book, blacked out by mainstream media, thrives on Internet
Chuck Baldwin -- I Am An American! It is a battle between Americans and globalists
The Dark Side: Jane Mayer on the Inside Story of How the War on Terror Turned Into a War on American Ideals
The Crisis Is Upon Us by Ron Paul <===
Torture As Official US Policy - Timeline, Details and Facts <===
More Evidence Madrid Bombing was a False Flag Op
Gore lets his mask slip : Tax the poor more than the rich
Massive global ozone loss predicted following regional nuclear conflict
The Children Prisoners of the United States
Pro-War Obama Wants More GIs In Afghanistan
Take off those yellow ribbons - A combat veteran speaks
US tells lies about torture, say MPs | World news | The Observer
Makow-Making The World Safe...For Bankers
Tarpley - Power Shift
Russia's Energy Might Is Wilting W's Dreams
US Financial Break Point Soon . . abd You will be paying for it.. <===
The Bank Implode-O-Meter - Your play-by-play for the end game of modern banking
Ventura Blasts Culture That "Cannot Handle The Truth"
Imprisonment By Executive Order
Making Americans Unsafe, And this is America, not Nazi Germany? by Paul Craig Roberts
Israel Planing a September/October Surprise? By Ray McGovern
Memo to Obama, McCain: No one wins in a war
Send Karl Rove to Jail!
A Complete And Systemic Breakdown
The Disease Caused By Oil
Devvy Kidd -- Freddie Fannie unconstitutional bail out using what?
Why the Bail Out of Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae: is Bad Economic Policy
Financial collapse edges closer
Jaws close in on Bernanke
"The Financial Tsunami - The Next Big Wave is Breaking" by F. William Engdahl
Bernanke Is Pessimistic, but Bush Urges a ‘Deep Breath’
The Use of Executive Privilege Must Be Reined In: Problematic Claims of Privilege Regarding the U.S. Attorney Firings and Torture Policies
With Crises in Fuel, Food, Housing and Banking, What Gvt. Policies Are Being Pushed Through? Naomi Klein Reexamines "The Shock Doctrine"
Stop the Printing Press! by Ron Paul
Ron Paul: "Some Big Events Are About To Occur" <===
YouTube - 26,000 Pastors for Martial Law Continuity of Government
HItler was aided by the Catholic church in his rise to power as well
The power to imprison U.S. citizens without charges - Glenn Greenwald
Obama's brave (new?) world
Bailout for Mortgage Giants, IndyMac Bank Collapse, Dollar Hits New Low, Inflation at 26-Year High, Dow Falls Below 11K...A Look at the Financial Crisis
Well, I'm sorry to tell you, but you really do owe $455,000
What Global Warming?--- Such As It Was, Is Over
The Fourth Circuit's Ominous Decision
Sen. Karen Johnson's floor speech about 9/11
Forget Morality, Humanity or Legality: Torture DOESN'T WORK
Consumer Price Index Soars; Inflation Continues To Accelerate - 12%
Strongest and Weakest Banks and Thrifts
Devvy Kidd -- How many more will die before FDA ghouls are held accountable?
Parasitic Bankers Achieve the End of Capitalism and the Sacking of America
Paulson and Bernanke Bailout Friends on Wall Street, a Disaster for US Tax Payers
'Have Nothing To Do With Conquest' by Michael Scheuer
Turning the Tables on the Israel-Firsters - by Michael Scheuer
A Phony Crisis—and a Real One, On The Path To War With Iran
No George Monbiot, These Are The Facts of September 11th 2001
Iran Shows Its Cards By Scott Ritter
Six Questions for Jane Mayer, Author of The Dark Side—By Scott Horton
Last Rites For The American Empire
The Terrorist Watch List reaches 1,000,665 Names and is still Growing!
Status Report on the Collapse of the U.S. Economy
World Bank Secret Report confirms Biofuel Cause of World Food Crisis
We Are At The Edge Of The Abyss
9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics
Obama’s “Civilian National Security Force” Wants 1 Million Stasi Snitches
YouTube - Ron Paul vs. Ben Bernanke 7/16/08
Conyers may hold hearings, but plans no action on impeachment - BullSh__
Kicking Sand In Russia’s Face by Eric Margolis
Dubya, more damage on our country than any foreign enemy could ever inflict
This recession could easily tip into a depression
Congressman Ron Paul - Getting Out of Iraq - Texas Straight Talk
China is building the prototype for a high-tech police state. It is ready for export
Iran: battlefront in the new World War?
Will the Antiwar Movement Strangle the State? by Karen Kwiatkowski
The Great Biofuels Con
Retired Military Leaders Oppose Provocative House Resolution on Iran
Naomi Wolf - US Finalizing 10 Steps To Fascism - video <===
Recession: With War or Without It? by Gary North
Something Big is Happening - Rep. Ron Paul
Many more US bank failures likely after IndyMac
Financial Sense Expert ~ Bud Burrell - The Greatest Crime in History audio <==
Are You Better off Than Five Years Ago?
Fannie, Freddie, Fascist by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. <==
Federal Judge Ruling: George W. Bush is a Felon
Bush Looks to His (Secret) Legacy and Expanded Power
Seymour Hersh Exposes New US Covert Terrorist Operations In Iran (VIDEO)
The Russian-Israeli Mafia global organized crime syndicate: Off-limits to FBI, US intelligence
Ex-NYT correspondent: FISA update is 'giant step toward fascism'
Nightline: NSA Wiretapping Whistleblower on ATT Data Collection Ops - video
ABC News: Spy Bill Passes: Gov't Free to Spy on You - Constitution is Toast
Devvy Kidd -- A Citizens' Audit of an American Election
Amber Alert! Get ready for war - by Justin Raimondo
David Icke - Big Brother, the Big Picture (July 6th 2008) video <==
Obama is Worse than McCain
The Bipartisan Surveillance State
Canadian ISPs Undermine Net Neutrality, will wipeout alt news sites and spread to U.S.
The Arrogance Of Power
'Psychological Operations Is My Specialty' Confessions Of A Covert Agent <==
Hearings Needed To Stop Attack On Iran <==
Alphabet Soup
Is the Fourth Estate a Fifth Column? - Corporate media Lies <===
Bill Moyers on Big Oil and Iraq <==
FISA ‘compromise’ completes transformation of US into full police state <===
Immediate Action Item: Siegelman Asks For Our Help in Demanding Congress Hold Rove in Contempt
Brave US Pilots Kill 47 At Afghan Wedding Party
The Poisoning of America's Water Supplies
Spy Bill Debate Comes to an End - Spy Bill Passes: Gov't Free to Spy on You
Phil Gramm: Recession Is "Mental," America Is "Nation Of Whiners" - "Let them eat cake?"
FISA: Why I Can No Longer Vote for Barack Obama
Congress votes to immunize lawbreaking telecoms, legalize warrantless eavesdropping <==
Former Pakistan General: U.S. Supports Jundullah Terrorists in Iran <==
YouTube - Ron Paul *Iranians Tested Missiles AFTER Israel had WAR GAMES!
Bernanke, Paulson outline strategy to make working class pay for Wall Street crisis
OPEC chief warns of 'unlimited' oil prices if Iran is attacked
Inside the Bush White House's Nonstop Propaganda War <==
Seymour Hersh: US Training Jondollah and MEK for Bombing preparation
Housing Market Meltdown Causes Massive Losses
The Psychopathic Origins of Bush/GOP Wars, Torture, and Injustice
Bush's Conspiracy to Create an American Police State: Part I, Police States Begin With False Flag Attacks
Lies, damn lies, and the case for an Iran war « A War of Illusions
Russia warns of retaliation after Prague signs US 'star wars' pact - Cold War On Again
Sen. Russ Feingold: The Problems with the FISA Bill- A Threat to the Privacy Rights of All Americans
Surviving the Fourth of July
ATT Whistleblower Urges Against Immunity for Telecoms in Bush Spy Program
Congressman Ron Paul - Real Change - Texas Straight Talk
The Spying Started Before September 11 -- That's The Whole Point
The US housing crisis will continue well into 2009
"Want some torture with your peanuts?" Aviation Taser Security Bracelet shocks the wearer on command and everyone near also
APFN - Depleted Uranium Situation Worsens - Dr. Doug Rokke, PhD.
Naomi Klein: Big Oil's Iraq deals are the greatest stick-up in history
The antennas are coming - health effects from cell-phone radiation
The buck doesn't stop here; it just keeps falling
How dare they rip the Fourth Amendment?
Torture, Communism, and the American Way
Fiat Currency: FOOLS GOLD video <===
Bush-Cheney Crony Got Iraq Oil Deal
Ron Paul: I hear members of Congress saying "if we could only nuke Iran"
Towards a Second American Revolution
YouTube - Air travel for slaves: The EMD Safety Bracelet
Deconstructing the Anti-Iran Resolutions
BBC Hit Piece Edits Silverstein Comment In Dirty Tricks Scam
Momentum Building For Bugliosi's Case Against George W. Bush For Murder
The Key To All Market Analysis
Devvy Kidd -- Opposition to invasion of Iraq based on emotion or facts?
War drums becoming deafening
Wall Streeters say speculators double gas prices - Explained!! <===
Ron Paul, The Revolution, and Ending Abuses and Usurpations by Michael Scheuer
Rise of the ‘Super Fed’ | The Revolution Continues
As America Collapses US Government Secret Plans Revealed
Americans Will Be Taxed for Their Carbon Emissions
Poison in your food - Donald Rumsfeld and aspartame
The So-Called 'President' is a Mass Murderer
U.S., Israel take dangerous steps - New war brewing
The Political Establishment and Telecom Immunity — Why It Matters
Oil Shock: Analyst Predicts $7 Gas, "Mass Exodus" of U.S. Cars - Speculators..
Pro Libertate: Happy Insurrection Day!
Happy birthday, America: A nation of spoiled, whiny brats
Bush-Led 'Disaster Capitalism' Exploits Worldwide Misery to Make a Buck
Fed Ponders Private Equity In Banks - Problem, Reaction, Solution
Bush heckled at 4 July event - Lemmings agree, Free Speech in US as Those are Hauled Away
Final Globalization Of The US Banking System By The Federal Reserve <==
Secret report: biofuel caused food crisis
Iraq oil deals fulfill Cheney's goals - Planned Two years before the invasion of Iraq
Why the Iraq War is Destroying the US Economy
Judge: President's 'State Secrets' Privilege Can't Shield Wiretapping wrongs
Big Oil's 'secret' out of Iraq's closet - Premeditated Theft
Congress's 'Virtual Iran War Resolution' by Ron Paul
Ron Paul’s Campaign For Liberty » Something Big is Going On | The Revolution Continues
Devvy Kidd -- The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder <===
911 False Flag - German created video
STOP U.S. Senate Bills S2191 S3036 - Climate Security Act Shams - Carbon Tax
Fear $5 Gas? Imagine $10-15 Per Gal
Truth Is Out on CIA and Torture
Spying Powers Face More Tests - Three FISA Amendments Are Up for a Vote Next Week in Senate
Operation Horse's Head: U.S. Raid Sends Message on Iraq "Agreement"
Gun-Grabbers at the Chicago Tribune
Oil at $143 - A "Liquidation Policy" MUST be implemented - Clean the Speculators
Your Tires May Be A Ticking Time Bomb
Gulfnews: The unbelievable cost of US wars
George W Bush 'raised $400 million for covert operations inside Iran
RatTube » 35 Inconvenient Truths - “errors” in the Al Gore movie
You thought the housing crisis was bad? You ain’t seen nothing yet
Who's Planning Our Next War? by Patrick J. Buchanan
Wexler: McCain's 'calculating the value of a terrorist attack' is 'eerie'
Guess What Surprise Republicans Yearn For?
Paul: Iran war will triple energy prices
Bush Fulfills His Grandfather's Dream, To overthrow the U.S. government and install a fascist dictatorship
Happy Oil Dependence Day
Playing nuclear chicken with the world and Iran
Judge Orders YouTube to Give All User Histories to Viacom
Eager to Tap Iraq's Oil in 2001, Industry Execs Suggested Military Intervention
Next Time You're at the Pump, Blame Bush
U.S. court ruling on Arar enables gov't to send foreigners to torture, says lawyer
Andrew C. Wallace -- Proven Facts Tools Required for Citizens to Save the Country
Utility Workers Hired As Stasi Informants In Colorado, California, Arizona
Escaping the Wonder Years: the 545 people in charge of US
YouTube - Seymour Hersh about his latest article re: Iran
The Obama Agenda
It Was Oil, All Along
Catastrophic Déjà Vu - Debunking The Iran War Resolution
YouTube - McCain's YouTube Problem Just Became a Nightmare
how Republicans perfected a propaganda system that could fool tens of millions of Americans
The Energy Non-Crisis, Alaskan oil reserves larger than any on earth - video
What Bush hath wrought - The Boston Globe
The Kick Them All Out Project - Imposing our undeniable will on the government through the power of our votes!
YouTube - Henry Lamb U.N. Agenda 21 and Globalization <===
YouTube - Judge Napolitano: Why The Patriot Act is Unconstitutional.
Top Interrogators Declare Torture Ineffective in Intelligence Gathering
US issues health warning over mercury fillings
Preparing the Battlefield: Bush Administration steps up its secret moves against Iran <===
Ex-weapons inspector says Iran not pursuing nukes, but U.S. will attack before ‘09
Army's History of Iraq After Hussein Faults Pentagon
Why the new wiretapping law is a lot worse than you think
The Democrats and repubs Betray the Fourth Amendment
Telecom Amnesty Flip-Floppers in CONgress Got More Telecom Dollars
America Is the Rogue Nation - by Charley Reese
McCain Would Give America’s 200 Largest Corporations $45 Billion In Tax Breaks
The Subprime Trump Card: Standing up to the Banks
Bush is trying to impose a classic colonial status on Iraq for the OIL
Who's Planning Our Next War? - by Pat Buchanan
Expedition yields first evidence of explosive volcanism on Arctic seafloor
ATT Whistleblower: Spy Bill Creates 'Infrastructure for a Police State' <==
Israel Prodding U.S. To Attack Iran, White House Weighs Striking Iran's Nuclear Complex, Which Could Trigger 3rd War In Region - CBS News
Statement on HR 6304, FISA Amendments - Rep. Ron Paul
YouTube - doublespeak 101 - SPP/NAU and Lying Leaders
Why "President Obama" will cause World War III
YouTube - "Seven is Exploding" - Building 7 was demolished by explosives
The Weapon of Mass Destruction Is Cancer from DU
Nick Turse, The Pentagon's Stealth MegaBuck Corporations
Chris Dodd’s Speech and a Glimmer of Hope for Stopping the FISA Bill
Speculators Are Largest U.S. Oil Contract Buyers at 71% - There is your Cause
No Blood for... er... um... The Oil Majors Take a Little Sip of the Ol' Patrimony
Poll: 44% of Americans favor torture for terrorist suspects - also 44% are insane
Mandatory In-Car Breathalyzers Coming?
Heat Waves: Burning Off the Fog of the FISA Fiasco
"One of the Greatest Intrusions, Potentially, on the Rights of Americans Protected Under the 4th Amendment" - Sen. Feingold Blasts Telecom Spy Bill
Sky-High Oil Will Make U.S. Go Broke
Gas-Pump Gouging; Just Don't Blame The Saudis, Look to Wall Street
Charge Bush With Murder - audio - By Francis A. Boyle
YouTube - Keith Olbermann Special Comment FISA
YouTube - Ron Paul on Iran Energy (C-SPAN 6/26) <==
YouTube - Mexican Military Incursion into U.S.
200,000 sites spreading web malware, China’s hosting the most
Barclays warns of a financial storm as Federal Reserve's credibility crumbles
Yoo and Addington Visit Congress, Say Nothing
The 'W.' Stands for 'War Criminal' by Nat Hentoff
McClatchy Washington Bureau | 06/26/2008 | What's next after Supreme Court's gun decision?
The Global Warming Scam
DailyTech - Temperature Monitors Report Widescale Global Cooling
State-Sponsored Terror: British and American Black Ops in Iraq
Russia's foreign minister warns against use of force on Iran
President Beck: I Wouldn’t Detain Terror Suspects, I’d ‘Shoot Them All In The Head’
Obama is a truly Democratic expansionist
Leaked NIST Docs: "Unusual" Event Before Collapse Of WTC 7
The myth of 'weapons-grade' enrichment
YouTube - 1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC attack! 2.3 Trillion Dollars Missing
Taguba: Bush administration tortured detainees, 'committed war crimes'
Corporate Media Loathe To Explain Real Outrage Behind Terror Comments
Catastrosphy or Martial Law: A License to Loot, a Permit to Plunder by Cops <===
The Coming Catastrophe? The finishing touches on several contingency plans for attacking Iran
Iran War Resolution May Be Passed Next Week
At Last, Some Truth About Iraq and Afghanistan by Eric Margolis <===
The United States Fiat Money The Federal Reserve System
A new model for Financial nastiness
YouTube - George Carlin on "the American Dream"
In Their Own Words: Admissions from the people who wrote the 9/11 Commission Report that it was compromised |
Bolton: Israel Will Attack Iran After U.S. Election But Before Inauguration, Arab States Will Be ‘Delighted’
Kristol: Bush Might Bomb Iran If He ‘Thinks Senator Obama’s Going To Win’
Emergency Official Witnessed Explosions, Dead Bodies In WTC 7
Fed and US Dollar Credibility at Stake Due to Financial Crises and Surging Inflation
Big brokers threatened by crackdown on shadow banking system
Democrats Have Legalized Bush's War Crimes - The German Parliament legalized Hitler's war crimes
Generation X-Ray - Cell Phone DNA / Cell Damage Great
Passengers virtually stripped naked by 3-D airport scanner
The Poverty of Reaganism-Bushism
How the Pentagon Turned an Interrogation Resistance Program into a Blueprint for Torture
Paul Craig Roberts: A Totally Lawless Regime
Congress Poised to Grant Telcoms Spying Immunity
Obama Silent as Democrats Give Bush More Spying Powers.
Israel and 9/11 are Siamese Twins.
Of Whales and Worms: The 2008 Elections -- The whole world is at stake
Top Ranking CIA Operatives Admit Al-qaeda Is a Complete Fabrication
Senate Housing Bill Requires eBay, Amazon, Google, and All Credit Card Companies to Report Transactions to the Government
Olbermann: McCain Should Know Better
Cheney linked to torture tactics
Impeach Bush now? Congressional proceedings would help prevent another mistaken war
Big brokers threatened by crackdown on shadow banking system <==
Devvy Kidd -- Will you out live your money?
one candidate (Obama) looks to spend half a billion dollars getting elected - for a job that pays $1.7 million, Graft and Corruption
YouTube - Countdown - Blood for Oil <==
Living costs up under carbon trading
Gas could fall to $2 if Congress acts, analysts say
How Can Americans Sleep Through So Many Wake-Up Calls? <==
Obama Is Fascism, Mr. Paul Craig Roberts
Lou Dobbs exposes the truth about the NAFTA Super Highway
The Greenhouse Conspiracy - video
America's Military Machine Gearing Up for Total WAR - Video: 9/11 The Greatest Lie ever Sold
SANTA'S WORKSHOP - Inside China's SLAVE labor toy factories - video
$2 Trillion Credit Contraction as Consumer Debt Defaults Soar
Socially Engineering The Public For Martial Law
Dangerous Crossroads: Congressional approval before attacking Iran is no longer required
The Welfare-Warfare State- by Justin Raimondo <==
Bomb Iran? What's to Stop Us? - by Ray McGovern
In Court Filings, Cheney Aide Says Bush Approved Leak
100+ Reasons Not to vote for McCain
Bill C-51, Codex and the SPP - Health Freedom on Last Legs
Operation Enduring Pipeline - Why we are in Afghanistan!
YouTube - Ron Paul BEFORE IRAQ WAR w/Bill Moyers October 4 2002 <===
No longer proud to be an American
Broken Laws, Broken Lives: The Consequences of Torture <===
U.S. Military Hoped for Virtually Unlimited Freedom of Action in Iraq
Oil giants to sign contracts with Iraq renew exploitation
Meat Wars - Why Are Those Wacky Koreans Dissin' Our Beef?
Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Deals with Iraq are set to bring oil giants back
FLASHBACK: Maps and Charts of Iraqi Oil Fields - Prime Reason for WAR
'Freedom And Liberty' For All...In A Dying Nation
Legalizing occupation: Bush’s last manoeuvre in Iraq
Ex-State Dept. official: Hundreds of detainees died in U.S. custody, at least 25 murdered.
House Resolution Calls for Naval Blockade against Iran
War, Economy Can't Be Decoupled - by Ron Paul <==
Mercury Fillings Shattered! FDA, ADA Conspiracy to Poison Children with Toxic Mercury Fillings Exposed in Groundbreaking Lawsuit
Maj. Gen. Taguba Accuses Bush Administration of War Crimes
John Yoo's ongoing falsehoods in service of limitless government power
Documents confirm U.S. hid detainees from Red Cross
CIA Played Larger Role In Advising Pentagon Harsh Interrogation Methods
Waxman subpoenas DOJ for Bush, Cheney's Plame leak transcripts
A timeline to Bush government torture - develop brutal interrogation techniques
'Wash Times': V.A. Using Iraq Vets as Guinea Pigs in Drug Tests
Democrats Ready to Gut the Constitution - Telecom retroactive immunity
Japanese Lawmaker takes 9/11 doubts global
YouTube - Danger In The Sky - The Chemtrail Phenomenon
Wall Street Lobbies to Protect Speculative Oil Trades/ PROFITS - Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley
Government “Strike Teams” Break Doors, Invade Homes, Harass Flood Victims <===
Torture from the Top Down—By Scott Horton
Pentagon's former top lawyer, Defender of jail abuse pleads amnesia
Easing of laws that led to detainee abuse hatched in secret From the Very TOP
Human rights group says it has proof of detainee abuse
Torture Began At The Top
I Thought We Didn't Negotiate With Terrorists
Torture teachers - An Army document proves...
Empire or Republic? By Robert Scheer
Tim Russert, Dick Cheney, and 9/11 By David Ray Griffin
Down for the Count: Bush's "ownership society" hits the canvas
denver terror training - Google News
Waterboarding, slapping, sensory deprivation – all on US tactics list
The tragic legacy of a disastrous president
Increasing Signs of GOP Desperation
Why Are Corporate Journalists So Afraid of Questioning Authority<==
Former Senator Mike Gravel Calls for Independent 9/11 Investigation and Prosecution of President Bush and Vice President Cheney
Colliding Bubbles, US Unemployment, the Credit Crisis and Oil Price Surge
The Biggest Election Story Not on Your TV
Law School to Plan Bush War Primes Prosecution
Addressing America's "Deeper Malignancies"
Hating the Constitution
Obama and the fall into tyranny
Report: Exams reveal abuse, torture of detainees
Fired US Attorney: ‘I was working for the Sith Lords’
Project CHECKMATE - Pentagon plan to attack Iran directed my Ex Israeli Military
YouTube - Condi Must Go! - Imprison them all!!!!
State of Emergency: The US in the Final Six Months of the George W. Bush Administration
Is a New Congressional Resolution Declaring War with Iran?
9/11 Chronicle Continues... - US Military Officers Challenge “official Bush version”
When "Sorry" Is Not Good Enough
Soldiers risk ruin while awaiting benefit checks
'Mission Doable': Israeli Ministers Mull Plans for Military Strike against Iran
Iraq or the Economy? - Ron Paul
Sibel Edmonds Must Be Heard
Found in Translation
The REAL McCain: Big Oil Fuels the Straight Talk Express
Oklahoma Declares Sovereignty
Finally, the U.S. Mega-Bases in Iraq Are Under Debate
RFK Jr. warns Canadians about corporate media
Dennis Kucinich introduced 35 Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush - Full C-SPAN Coverage
35 Reasons To Call (202) 225-5126 - Articles of Impeachment against George W. Bush
Wexler Attacked For Impeachment Support
Drugs show up in Americans' water
FLASHBACK: Iran, Nukes, and the 'Laptop of Death'
Iran Nuke Laptop Data May Have Come From Mossad
Dr. Dennis Cuddy -- Government and Press/Media Cover-Ups
Devvy Kidd -- Indict Michael Reagan, Applaud Senator Karen Johnson
Dr. Steven Jones - Boston 911 Conference - Full Presentation - video
Supreme Court restores habeas corpus, strikes down key part of Military Commissions Act - Glenn Greenwald
Michael Klare, The Pentagon as Energy Insecurity Inc.
Logjam of War Contractor Fraud Suits
Trouble at the Pentagon
youtube: American troops sadistically taunting Iraqi children and randomly throwing grenades at sheep herders
Bush Executive Order Expands Biometric Data Collection on New Groups of People, Will Share Data with "Foreign Partners"
Federal Reserve and ECB are in no mood to save us from the consequences of our debt - Telegraph
Stephen Lendman: Exposing Pentagon and CIA Corruption
Neocon Talkshow Host Michael Reagan Tells Audience to Kill 9/11 Truth People
WEATHER CHANNEL FOUNDER: 'I ask Al Gore, where's the global warming?'
The Global Crisis: Food, Water and Fuel. Three Fundamental Necessities of Life in Jeopardy
Immunity to Telecoms for illegally Spying on Americans
A Setback for the State of Exception—By Scott Horton
DOJ Official: Rumsfeld Personally Approved of Brutal Interrogations
Worse Than Any Impeachable Offense
Oh, World Government, What Problem Can't You Solve?
Economic depression in America: Evidence of a withering economy is everywhere
Spiraling Unemployment and Inflation
Iraq war could cost taxpayers $2.7 trillion - Jun. 12, 2008
John McCain’s Chilling Project for America <===
Kucinich to Introduce 60 Impeachment Articles if Stymied in House
UPDATE: Hold on! Ron Paul did NOT quit the GOP presidential race
Greg Palast » Driving the surge in gas prices? The Bush-McCain surge in Iraq
Oil Prices - Market, Manipulative Forces At Work
A Forensic Analysis of 9/11 - Questioning the Official Theory - video
FOX Admits McCain Stacked “Town Hall” With Supporters - just like bush..
Gore Vidal’s Article of Impeachment
End Fluoridation: Say 1,733 Physicians, Dentists, Scientists, and Environmentalists
Obama And McCain: Two Sides Of The Same Coin <==
Olbermann: McCain should know better
Exposing Bush Administration Corruption
Daylight Robbery Iraq - What Happened to the $23billion? video
Why the Oil Price Is High By Paul Craig Roberts
No Excuse For Lack Of Bilderberg Coverage
Mark Dice On Fox Discussing 9/11 Troops
Bilderberg Group Meets, Protesters Charge Conspiracy
Jack Shafer’s Bilderberg Article: A Response
In Debate Over Permanent Bases In Iraq, U.S. Seeks Authorization For War In Iran
How Much Was Fox Paid to Shill Bush's War Crime in Iraq? <===
Secret Spy Court Repeatedly Questions FBI Wiretap Network | Threat Level from
Jail Time for Tenet? - by Ray McGovern <===
YouTube - Canadian MP Libby Davies reads 9/11 petition in Parliament
YouTube - Paying income tax in America is Voluntary - What a LOON
Restaurant Sign Owner Makes His Point
Live Vote: Should Bush be impeached? - 89% YES
Feds to probe speculators' role in rising oil prices - They have been stalling...
9/11, Deep State Violence and the Hope of Internet Politics
The U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves
YouTube - ron paul: nancy pelosi pulled iran bill on orders of israel
House Democrats want Bush administration investigated for war crimes
The Spy Who Loves Us <==
It may well turn out to be the largest war profiteering in history..
More than a million homes in foreclosure
Is Obama's candidacy constitutional?
Bill Moyers address the National Conference for Media Reform video
FCC Urged to Probe Pentagon Propaganda Program | Free Press
What will it take for Americans finally to put an end to this Bush administration?
The Next Real Estate Crisis - By April, 2009
YouTube - Chemical Dumbing Down of America
Exposing Pentagon and CIA Corruption
Nancy Pelosi: Criminal
Can Nancy Pelosi single-handedly take impeachment off the table? - By Bruce Fein
Censored: Kucinich 35 Count Resolution calls for impeachment of Bush - video
House waves off impeachment measure against Bush
Speaker Must Be Removed For Her Illegal Position on Impeachment Investigation
The American people have now suffered what must surely be the ultimate betrayal! - Rep. Kucinich not giving up on Bush impeachment
"Big Brother" Presidential Directive: "Biometrics for Identification and Screening to Enhance National Security"
'George W. Bush has gotten away with murder'. . . . Till Now <===
Alan Stang -- Political Ruminations
Gianni DeVincent Hayes, Ph.D -- 40 Techniques of the Illuminati
President Bush regrets his legacy as man who wanted war - little late for that...
More from Senator Karen Johnson on 9/11 ...
YouTube - Fox News vs "the people"
Potential Future Hyperinflation <==
Rising Energy Prices and Falling Dollars - Ron Paul
McCain's Ties To Telecoms Questioned After Wiretapping Flip-Flop | current and former telecom lobbyists
U.S. seeking 58 bases in Iraq, Shiite lawmakers say
YouTube - Kucinich Presents 35 Articles Of Impeachment Against Bush
In praise of CO2 - Life Giving Gas
Newest Science On Health Risks Of GM Foods pdf - This should make you very mad
Bush pushes biometrics for national security, presidential directive issued June 5
IAEA on Iran's Nuclear Program: Reality vs. US media myth
Oil passes USD 139 after the Israeli regime threatened to attack Iran
Oil hits new record as Israel threatens Iran strike - Now We Know..
$45 Trillion Needed to Combat Warming, $6000 global tax paid by every single living human being on Earth
Bush Says Signs Show Stimulus Plan Is Working to Boost Economy - On what Planet?
Libs in Denial: NAU, NAFTA Superhighway, and the Coming Feudalism
Bush Replays Iraq Games on Iran By Ray McGovern <==
The Grand Illusion... The Two Party Charade
Paul racking up primary votes - 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog
'Genocide by design?' Bush Administration Plans to 'Stay' in Iraq for the Oil
Air Force Purge Shows Brzezinski's TLC Trilateral faction Rules DC
The Sub Prime Meltdown Is Tip Of The Iceberg
Lieberman - Warner 5.6 trillion dollar carbon tax scam
Soviet era tactics used by McCain's neo - con supporters
YouTube - Grand Illusion - Gas prices are NOT going up, it is the dollar going down in value
Carbon tax and the global warming fraud
YouTube - Obama's plan on GLOBAL WARMING, Multi Trillion Dollar Carbon Tax
YouTube - Obama campaign rep STUMPED on legislative accomplishments
Zimbabwe's currency crashes, prices rocket - Coming Soon to the US
YouTube - Iraq Vets KNOW 9/11 Was an Inside Job <===
Confirmation from Senate Intel. Committee (finally): Bush lied about Iraq
Generals leading from Cheney to loose nukes fired | Patenting Life
Anti-Torture Activists Convicted of Free Speech | Witness Against Torture
Planet Slayer - Greenhouse Calculator - Telling Kids when they should DIE
YouTube - Pinky wants some answers: The Iraq War: Legal or Illegal?
Libby Links Cheney to Plame Leak
Legislating Tyranny By Paul Craig Roberts and Lawrence M. Stratton
Bernanke's Speech: "It's all China's fault. Really"
The U.S. Has No Remaining Grain Reserves <===
Cell Phones Brain Tumors - NO Doubt About it
Time for Congress to Stand Up in Its Own Defense: Impeach Bush and Cheney Now! <===
US sidesteps questions on Israeli threat against Iran
Investors' Growing Appetite for Oil Evades Market Limits - Blame Bush
Dan Rather Slams Corporate News at National Conference for Media Reform
Next Phase of the Credit Crisis to Hit Credit Default Swaps $62 Trillion Market
How To Pop Corn - And Your Brain with a cell phone
The Panic Of '08 - Oil, War And Denial - Political Destruction of Middle Class
Pork now 'earmarks' - 11,000 of them
Nuke Power Hype - $45T Needed To Fight 'Warming' - Pure BS Carbon Tax coming
'Unavoidable' Iran Attack Looms - Israeli Minister - War Pimp
A megabubble will pop in 2011 and here are 20 reasons why
Remembering Modern History’S Greatest Crime
Angry Clinton Supporters Start Rallying for McCain Online - The False Left-Right Paradigm
Senate Report: Bush Used Iraq Intel He Knew Was False
Revealed: Secret plan to keep Iraq under US control
Fallout 3 Revelations: Top Al-Qaeda website registered to Van Nuys, Ca
Marines to begin martial law training in Indianapolis
The Financial Tsunami has not reached its Climax
Pentagon said drawing up plans for strike on Iranian camp
FDA Must Classify Mercury Fillings
Fax The Senate And Demand They Vote “NO” On Carbon Tax Scheme
L.A. County's: My Own Votes, Four of Them, Were Flipped Yesterday Before My Very Eyes <===
Killing The Innocent - US Troops Discuss "Drop-Weapons"
John McCain remains loyal to the lies that started the war in Iraq <===
US banks fear $5 trillion balance impact - It will be hitting the fan..
The Derivatives Market is Unwinding!
send the oil pimps packing
YouTube - Reichstag 911 : Israeli Involvement
Live Video Feed with Alex Jones Bullhorning the Bilderberg Meeting
Google: Bilderberg Group - rulers of the world
Swiss Scientists Doubt Bush Official Version - US responsible for 9/11?
George Bush: the great pretender - Times Online
Bush tells another bald-faced whopper, claims he has laid the 'foundation of peace'!
McClellan's Warning on Iran - by Ray McGovern
McClellan’s Missile: Media Crimes As War CrimesWhen Will US “Journalism” Be Held Accountable for Promoting War?
US staring at double-dip recession as calls for higher interest rates grow - Telegraph
The Remorseless Algebra of a Deflationary Death Spiral
Who'll Unplug Big Media? Stay Tuned
Flashback: In February 2001 Powell Said Iraq was not a threat
Flashback: Iraq WMD Lies: The Words of Mass Deception
Kids In America(n Torture Camps)
Interview With Congressman Ron Paul
Imminent Banking Stocks Destruction to Push Gold Back through $1,000
American Complicity - many Americans simply don’t want to hear the truth
The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder by Vincent Bugliosi
How the Masters of the Universe are murdering the middle class by gambling on black gold
Suppressed Oliver North Confrontation Video Footage Released <==
Libs in Denial: NAU, NAFTA Superhighway, and the Coming Feudalism
'North American Parliament' under way
His Excellency Ron Paul
McClellan's other villain - media complicit in pushing neo-con agenda for the invasion/occupation of Iraq
War based on a lie, says Rudd - National -
McCain: I'd Spy on Americans Secretly, Too
And the winner is ... the Israel lobby - Contributions of $72,000 each to takers
US Senate Opens Debate on Climate Change Bill, $6 trillion Carbon Tax
Oz TV advises CO2-emitting children to die early...
The Fed's unholy legacy
On Middle East, McCain Vows to Stay the Failed, Stupid Course made from LIES
Candidate McCain: A Risky Choice
Edwin Vieira, Jr. -- McCain, Hillary and Obama, Birds of a Feather
YouTube - Countdown: Scott McClellan Under Attack
Devvy Kidd -- How do I make a difference?
The Great Oil Swindle: How much did the Fed really know? by Mike Whitney
Where Is the Outrage? By Robert Scheer <==
Poisonous Plutocracy Pushes Economic Inequality
McClellan: WH wanted him to stay silent
Invitation to Steal: War Profiteering in Iraq
McClellan: Plame leak the 'turning point' in his disillusionment
Memo to Scott McClellan: Here's what happened
Is Crude Oil a "Bubble" Ready to Burst?
The bubble of all US bubbles
Uranium Enrichment: The Bushes, The Saudis and The Bomb
Chuck Baldwin -- Washington's Culture Of Deception
McClellan calls the U.S. news media “complicit enablers” for the Bush LIES
McClellan and His Media Collaborators
Gingrich quips Bush should have allowed some 'reminder' attacks..
Auditor: Supervisors Covered Up Risky Loans
Neither Honest Nor Trustworthy: The 10 Worst Corporations of 2007
Phil gramm pulled a sly maneuver in the Senate that helped create today's subprime meltdown
38 Of Obama's 'Not Exactly' Statements
ESS Flipped Election In AR
Cops Customs Agents Caught Drug Smuggling
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 19:52:11 PDT