Must Read IV
To find specific data: Windows - CTRL and F keys, Macintosh - APPLE and F keys
This page contains a historical chronology of important news, as it happened, things you probablly did not know till way after the fact if at all.
Current Headline News Section here
Remember, it is still news if you did not already know it.
Must Read IV
What If (It was all a Big Mistake)? by Hon. Rep. Ron Paul <===
9/11 Truth Movement Only Just Beginning <===
Neo-Con Torture Rhetoric Alarmingly Mirrors Nazi Counterparts
Post-Inaugural Crimes & The Progressive Posse <== Doom For The Dollar--And Everything Else
Iraq 'Election' A Done Deal
Freedom On Steroids
Brothers in Arms
Microwaving Iraq 'Pacifying' Rays Pose New Hazards In Iraq <=
Time To Stop Murdering Adults and Infants With Aspartame <=
Flashback: Gore Vidal: The Erosion of the American Dream
'Believe the Evidence of Your Eyes' - by Dr. Teresa Whitehurst
This Plastic Moment- Getting out of Iraq: it's now or never by Justin Raimondo
"Insensibly" Sliding Into Tyranny, A Warning about foreign wars for "liberty" <===
Bush Continues to Support UN "Law of The Sea" Treaty <===
The Bush Administration's "Enabling Act", totalitarian view of presidential power
The High Price of Official Lies <===
CAFTA: Stepping Stone to the FTAA, Must be Stopped <==
Flashback: Condoleezza Rice - Lies A Sixth Grader Would Not Accept <===
Small Names, Big Checks - This is GRAFT and Corruption <===
Purple Hearts - The Forgotten - Video
FBI E-Mail: Presidential Order Authorizing Inhumane Interrogation Techniques <==
We sanction what we used to condemn
12 generals stand against Gonzales
Zogby: No Support For Iran Attack - 31% Americans Ashamed Bush President
Neo-Conservatives? 1998 Memos a Blueprint for Iraq war
Paul Craig Roberts: A Party Without Virtue <===
In Their Place
Low Fuel, High Violence
Iraqi Women Paying The Price - Liberty and freedom Eh
Decline Of American Culture - Lyrics Then & Now
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Fascist America <==
Devvy Kidd -- Excuses, lets see some action <===
Corporatocracy, Corporatism, Fascism <==
Countdown To Global Catastrophe 'Point Of No Return' Looming
Mike Whitney: Failing Upwards, the Rise of Michael Chertoff
Christian Warriors Rediscover God In Boot Camps, madness..
Protocols Offer Key To Our Exasperation - Jews In The NWO
Bush pledges his so-called mandate to spread freedom around the world <=
TV News Viewership Declines, Internet Use Rises - For Good Reason <===
Iraqi insurgency growing larger,more effective
Support Our Troops - Bring Them Home By Howard Zinn <==
An Israeli Fanatic is 'Bush's Brain' By Michael Collins Piper
President Bush: Keep your freedom and democracy to yourself <==
Bush, Cheney Team Up to Soften Americans for War on Iran - by Jim Lobe
Democracy Now! | Pentagon Turns Away Mothers of Soldiers Killed in Iraq
Times Online - Will Bush still do business with these 'oppressive' allies?
Bush's Democracy Crusade Defies Public Opinion - by Jim Lobe <==
Women Being Forced Into Combat <=
Flashback: Leo Strauss' Philosophy of Deception - Many neoconservatives like Paul Wolfowitz are disciples of a philosopher who believed that the elite should use deception, religious fervor and perpetual war to control the ignorant masses. <===
W and Dostoevsky- Bush is a man possessed by Justin Raimondo <==
t r u t h o u t - Private Intelligence Agency Gathers Personal Information <=
Pictures From The Jan 20 Protest In SF : SF Bay Area Indymedia
Images From The War in Iraq :: The Face of War, For a LIE
Liberty can?t be traded for security <==
The Truth Seeker - Bush getting ready to screw retirees?
Analysis of Ruppert's recent split personality on 9-11
Dying for Sycophants: Not One Bad News Bearer in Bush's Inner Circle
A Review Of The President's Inaugural Address
Fallujah 'City Of Mosques' Now 'City Of Rubble'
Know Bush by the Company He Keeps - by Les Dell <==
Israel?s Secret Agenda:
The horror of Depleted Uranium (DU) is not limited to Iraq
Cost of illegals to California $10.5 billion + per Year
Bush To Seek Cuts In Medicaid And Other Benefits
Flashback: Delusions of Empire- by Justin Raimondo <==
Bush's second inauguration America's day of shame
Chertoff?s ties to the financiers of the Sept. 11 attacks <==
Chertoff EXPOSED As Aiding A 9/11 Terrorist!
Should Anti-Bush Journalists Be Tried as "Spies"?
Flashback: Bush promises on Social Security and Medicare - March 3, 2001
Israel seizes thousands of acres of Palestinian-owned land in Jerusalem
Warning - H5N1 Type A Influenza Pandemic Likely Coming
Politics of Oil - Industry spends hundreds of millions on lobbying, elections <==
The Bush Crime Family Tree
Satan Displays Bush 'Hook 'em' Hand Gesture; Is The Devil a UT Fan Too?
Dancing while they die - Ugly inauguration an American black eye
American Terror By Chris Floyd <===
The Ten Best Writers On The Internet Always Read What These People Write <=
Ground Control to Mr. Bush -- In These Times
Coronation - The Robber Baron's Party Let's Bring Tea*
Protesters Target Bush's Inauguration
Oaf Of Office By Greg Palast
A Capital Offense
Investiture of Heretical Doctrine
Draining America Into Poverty <==
Illuminati Devil Hand Signals Prevalent Throughout Inauguration
2005 is reminiscent of Orwell's "1984" - Daily Trojan - Opinions
Yahoo! News - What is it with this "two fingered salute"?
Yahoo! News - What is it with this "two fingered salute"?
Yahoo! News - What is it with this "two fingered salute"?
Crazy President, Crazy Nation <==
Yahoo! News - Protesters Target Bush's Inauguration
CBS News - Bush's 15,000 Uncounted US Iraq Casualties <===
U.S. & Coalition/Casualties - Faces and Data, tell them it was for a LIE <===
The Truth Seeker - False Casualty Figures
Israel instructs America.. Just in case you wondered WHO your kids were dying for
Guardian Unlimited | World fears new Bush era, unease in 18 out of 21 nations
Editorial: Condi Rice/Steady on, toward disaster <==
Another firm owned by Senator Feinstein's hubby wins $600 million army contract
t r u t h o u t - Marjorie Cohn | The Gonzales Indictment
Ho Hum, More War And Death - habitual warmongering and BushCo lies
Three Boston U Researchers Infected At Lab With Tularemia
'Jewish Influence Here Is Completely Dominating...' -Sen. Fulbright
Illegal Alien Handbook For Breaking Into America
Bush Taking Anti-Depressants To Control Mood Swings
The First Bush Presidency
Alt Med and Nutritional Supplements In the Crosshairs, Action Needed <=
Dictating Reality? <=
Elite Propaganda - The Myth of the Liberal Media - Video Online
The Incredible Lying BushCo - Audio Online
US: KGB and STASI reinforce Homeland Security. For whom? <===
Inauguration in Wonderland, Bush Fantasy World <==
The New American Militarism - by Paul Craig Roberts <=
Chris Floyd: Rummy's Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks
Yahoo! News - Holding WMD Liars Accountable - The Bush Administration on WMD Karen Kwiatkowski: Ball Gowns and Hospital Gowns <==
village voice > news > Inauguration 2005 The Eve of Destruction
Condoleeza Rice Warned Willie Brown Not To Fly On 9/11 <===
Hussein Was Right & Bush Was Wrong, by Harry Browne <===
Stanley Hilton's 9/11 Suit Dismissed, Appeal Pending <==
Ritter was Right About Iraq
Crossing the Rubicon: Simplifying the case against Dick Cheney <===
Yahoo! News - Global Poll Shows Negative Reaction to Bush Win
Inaugural donors: It's an investment - Crooks and Graft and Corruption <===
Federal Budget Spending and the National Debt - Wake-up <=
20 months not 4 months - Truth Over LIES
New Scientist - Babylonian treasures damaged by coalition troops
Terrorists May Be Coming Soon To A Mall Near You, Nuts in the Pentagon <===
As US Dozes, Strausscon Iran Plan Is On Schedule <===
THE COMING WARS by SEYMOUR M. HERSH - Pentagon secrecy <===
Sharon To Peres - 'We Control America'
War, Lies and WMDs by Richard Cummings
Senator Boxer Shows Conde Rice To Be A Liar <===
Lockdown is Descending - kirwan <==
Democracy Now! | Seymour Hersh: Covert Ops in Iran
Homeless vets, from Vietnam to Iraq - Video Online <==
The Rutherford Institute - State of the Union: Fascism with a Smile <===
Inauguration Performers Ordered NOT to look directly at Bush
Ten Most Outrageous Scandals uncovered during bush admin <==
The Ground Truth: The Human Cost of War - Video Online <==
Imperial Bush the record
Quest or Conquest ? Is There a Choice - kirwan <==
Where are the WMD? Bush has Killed 10s' of Thousands, Where is the outrage? <==
Wired News: Brave New Era for Privacy Fight
Bush Never Has To Say He's Sorry <===
Ex-KGB and STASI Chiefs To Work Under Chertoff <==
Pictures That bush Does Not Want You To See
Falluja for Dummies or an Idiot?s Guide to Falluja - The Return of PSYOPS - Military's media manipulation - Iraq & the Media, The Lies that were told, many articles
Flashback: Amplifying Officials, Squelching Dissent - Push to War <==
US Losses - Photos Hidden By US News Media - there were no WMDs. No WMDs.
REMEMBER THESE? extensive cronology of words that took us to War <===
Nobody Cares About Fascist Symbols In The House Of Representatives
Alex Jones Interviews X-Files/Lone Gunmen Star Dean Haglund <==
Shred the Constitution, win a promotion
Nazi Cloning Experiment?
Mapping The Global Future: National Intelligence Council's 2020 Project <===
A Global Gulag To Hide War On Terror's Dirty Secrets
War in Iraq: Was It Worth It? - The Lies that Mutate <==
Television - The Most Powerful Weapon Of Them All<===
The Costs Of WalMartization Of America
Woman Waving From WTC North Tower Impact Hole (VIDEO) <===
US Iraq Casualties Projected At 6,000 Dead, 48,000 Wounded
Dorothy Seese -- Dark Forces & The Tolerant Followers <==
Brave nightmare world, The End of Oil: On the Edge of a Perilous New World
CIA Chiefs Quash Revealing Report Pointing Fingers For September 11 <===
Chertoff Is A 'Dangerous' Man
Abu Ghraib Abuse Firms Rewarded with Multi-Million Pentagon Contracts
Makow - Freemasonry: Mankind's Death Wish <=
Iraq: The Words of Mass Deception <==
The Media follow-up to the LACK OF WMD's <==
Presidential Inauguration - Donor Information / Boycott list
Sibel Edmonds - Appeal to Release the DOJ-IG Report on the 9/11 Cover-Up <===
Neoconservatives at Sea, Who to Invade next - by Jim Lobe - Free Speech: Use It or Lose It
Skull and Bones - Wikipedia <===
Police State Inaguration for King Bush - Style of a Dictator <===
Normalization of Horror, American Gulags Become Permanent <==
Did Bush Homeland Nominee Michael Chertoff Shield NJ Terror Ring? <==
The Nation | New contracts for companies behind Torture
NEW DECEPTION DOLLARS! / World / US - Soros group raises stakes in battle with US neo-cons
Bush Admin Hiring of Ex-KGB Chiefs to Develop Internal Passport <===
Mike Chertoff's Dirty Little Secrets, Bush's New Homeland Security Czar <==
Brave New Era for Privacy Fight <===
What Bush Said About Iraq's Alleged WMD - The Quotes
NYC IMC: Rangel to reintroduce notorious draft bill <=
A New Collection Of Anti-War Protest Photos
Government IDs and Identity Theft by Ron Paul <===
Iraq - The Trail of Disinformation <===
Scheer on al-Qaeda: A Day Late and a Few Billion Dollars Short <==
Iraq war creating new class of militants by the many Thousands <=
Re: Israeli Officer 'Fired His Full Magazine' Into Girl, 13
All The President's Newsmen <==
Americans Doing The Job Congress Won't, Minute Man Project to close Borders
Bush Under Fire Over Human Rights, US Setting Bad Example
Iraq New Terror Breeding Ground (
Evidence Supports Sibel Edmonds Complaints against FBI
Yahoo - Human Rights Group Criticizes U.S. torture of detainees <=
BBC NEWS | Have Your Say | WMD search ends: Your reaction <==
The Draft coming: Aberdeen: Local board members needed <==
Aljazeera.Net - Pentagon ban on filming coffins defied by Natl Guard
You were lied to - are you going to do something about it? <==
Why are there no fundraisers for the Iraqi dead?
Bush?s Reelection Ignites Religious Right to help bring the rapture on <==
How Many More Will it Take?How Many More Will Have to Die? <==
POLITICS-U.S.: More Dissent in Pentagon Ranks Over Iraq War
MSNBC - Search for WMD in Iraq ended, None Found <===
Lies - The lies of the Bush Admin to invade Iraq - Audio <===
February 24th, 2001: Powell and Rice Admit Saddam "has no WMD" <===
December 22, 2002: Saddam invited the CIA to Iraq to point out WMD <===
Cell Phones Pose Definite Tumour Risk To Kids <=
Heading for the Exits- by Justin Raimondo <==
Meet the Real Domestic Terrorists <===
Network's Craven Back-Down on Bush Draft Dodge by Greg Palast <=
First They Came For The Terrorists... Founders must be turning in their graves <==
U.S. Military Wanted to Provoke War With Cuba - Operation Northwoods <==
Film reveals true destruction to ghost city Falluja
History of Guatemala's 'Death Squads' - Redo in Iraq <== - Covering Elections There, Miscovering Them Here
See What Bush/Cheney Oil War Is Costing Us <===
Sen. Dayton on Iraqi Security Forces, I don't like being lied to
Worker Bees & Soldier Ants: America's Fascist Army, Mass Psychosis <==
ABC News: Bush: Iraq Invasion Worth It Despite No Trace of WMD - dweeb
The FBI Agents Who Tried To Stop 911 <==
Hundreds Of Mossad Agents Caught Running Wild In America!
Mossad agents running operations from within the U.S.
Michael Chertoff - right-ring radical who does not believe in the Constitution
Why the emperor has no clothes, worldwide confidence racket <==
Will The Supreme Court Lift Secrecy Regarding Tax Disputes? <=
Iraq - 'This Is Not A Life'
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Antony C. Sutton - Book Online
Iraqi Victim Says US Torture Worse Than Saddam
Israel to Demolish 3,000 Palestinian Homes
Robert Scheer | Is Al Qaeda Just a Bush Boogeyman? <===
America?s Corporate ?Cash Cow??Iraq | What's in your wallet? Maybe a national I.D. card
Rep. Paul Denounces National ID <==
Benjamin Franklin, the Occult and The Elite <==
The Electoral College and Alberto Gonzales: Left Illusions About the Democrats
FTAA is really about setting up a one-world government piece by piece <==
What's in a Name? <==
John Conyers - The Last Man To Concede... <==
Investigate alleged violations of law in Fallujah attack World On Brink Of Ruin <=
Bush's $6 trillion botch - Social Security
New Pentagon Vision Transforms War Agenda, global oil protection service <===
Hawaii?s Army Guard called to Iraq, more than 88%
Flashback: The president's real goal in Iraq - full-fledged global empire <===
The Earth As A Weapon In 21st Century Of Wars <==
Gonzales And The Rule Of Law
Pentagon May Use Death Squads in Iraq - This is TERRORISM
No to Fluoridation - "extremely toxic."
English Translation Of 'Migrant Comic Book' <=
Osama bin Laden - - Had Some Help <==
Citizens for Legitimate Government - 911 Oddities <===
Project Woodpecker - HAARP Ionospheric Research Instruments
Depleted Uranium: How the Pentagon Nukes Soldiers & Civilians with DU Weapons <=
Depleted Uranium--The Silent Killer <=
The Smog of War: Dirty Bombs, Dirty Missiles, Dirty Bullets - Death Sentence <=
Alex Jones interviews: Depleted Uranium Deaths Examined, Dr. Rokke - Audio <==
Explaining How Depleted Uranium Is Killing Civilians, Soldiers, Land <=
Tons of new documents at the Memory Hole
Petition drive seeks to limit sex education, schools are teaching bestiality...
Ann Coulter: Nuke North Korea For Fun, Attacks Tsunami Victims <=
OKC Bombshell Implicates Feds In Murrah Blast, multiple bombs in building
New Statesman - The other tsunami by John Pilger
Conspiracy Theorists - Why you should look deeper <===
Time For Trickle Down Effects of Tax Cuts & War Proffitering <==
Illegals Cause Mass US Education Meltdown
Paranoid/Paranoia - Media Buzzwords To Silence The Politically-Incorrect
Israeli Actions in the Americas, gangsters, snoops and spys
t r u t h o u t - Marjorie Cohn | Dear "Torture is Good" Mr. Gonzales <===
MSNBC - Detainees At Guantanamo Wrapped In Israeli Flags, tortured
Alberto Gonzales: Bush's 'Nazi Lawyer'
Incredible - Frist's Bill Defines 'Political Paranoia' As 'Mental Illness' <==
Indymedia - Israel First, Sen. Lieberman & the Republic <==
Billions For The Bankers - Debts For The People The Real Story <==
A Dirty Little Secret About Federal Taxes and the Fed <==
A Caveat Against Injustice, Inquiry into the Evils of the Money System
Flashback: The Emperor Has No Clothes by US Senator Robert Byrd <===
Bush League Group Think
Bush 'the king' blows $50m on coronation, army of 10,000 police...
AxisofLogic/ Iraq - Let us not forget who initiated this war on Iraq. Name the names
The Truth about Terrorism
Iraq veteran Jimmy Massey: We're committing genocide in Iraq
How the Bush Bunch Lost in Iraq by Morgan Reynolds <==
Appalling Conspiracy Of Silence Video Online <==
It is time to Televise the funerals and flag-draped coffins
Making The World Safe...For Bankers <=
AxisofLogic - The Mighty US GI's: Lied To, Used, and Losing <==
Tsunami - Kalutara Beach, Sri Lanka before and after <==
Brian J. Foley: Supporting Torture is not Gonzales' Greatest Sin
We do not torture, insists gonzales - Talk Is Cheap
Editorial: Alberto Gonzales has blood on his hands
Iraq - The Devastation <===
U.S. Falls out of the Index of Economic Freedom's Top 10 in the World
Update On 'Life Or Death' US Attack On Fallujah
Margolis - 2005 In My Crystal Ball <=
Grandfather Federal Government Debt Report by MWHodges
What about the Children of Iraq? :: Alternative Press Review <==
Lou Dobbs Show On Immigration - Mexican Migrant Guide Howto
Robert Fisk Looks Back at 2004: The Mire of Death, Lies and Atrocities <==
Are We Safer Now?- by Justin Raimondo <===
Waiting For Plan B - Peak Oil To Arrive 2014
Ten Things We Learned About 911 In 2004 <===
Mexican Gov't Releases Comic Encouraging Illegal Immigration <==
Bush is an Evil Traitor! Time Recognition <=
The Coming Tragedy Of The Commons For America
San Francisco Bay View - Apartheid in Israel means
polluter lobbyists to buy access to top federal and state officials
:: Nanovirus: Let's just kill all the liberals
Conservatives Push for Psychiatric Diagnosis of 'Loony Leftists' ?
Republicans saturate the airwaves with their version of reality <===
Michael Scheuer Explains Why Insurgents Are Willing To Die Fighting Us
Why Does The Religious Right Ignore Civil Liberties Issues? <===
Free Market Capitalism vs Criminal State Capitalism
12. Ministry Of Peace (War)
Dr. Dennis Cuddy - Mental Health, Education and Social Control <===
Zogby - Half of New Yorkers Believe US Leaders Had Foreknowledge of 9-11 Attacks
As The World Burns - Michael C. Ruppert <===
Witness To Irony - Canada's Third Mad Cow <=
Iraq Abuse 'Went On Until July'
Holy Land: Americans Beaten for Walking Children to School
Americans are closing their eyes and letting a new form of fascism get rolling <==
Washington prepares international network of permanent detention camps
BBC NEWS | Middle East | US wounded in Iraq reaches 10,000
Congress expects $100 billion war request - Let the congressmen pay it
George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism <===
Why George Bush's war in Iraq is wrong <=
Secrets of the Iraq War - Video online
The Myths of Al Qaeda - kirwan <==
Re-Discovered Photos Emphasize Bohemian Grove Sacrifice Obsession
Daddy, why did we have to attack Iraq? -
'I just had to tell the truth' <=
Exploding Crisis For America's Poor, Crime will grow
China Will Shake The West's Strategy
BELLACIAO - The US is Losing Iraq
A Bush USA assumes a 'divine' right to rule. And that means trouble
Many US Iraq-Afghan War Soldiers Left Out In The Cold
The Nation | You Break It, You Pay For It - Naomi Klein <==
Bush regime have proved by their actions, they're no "Christians" <==
Stingy? Not with WMD and War
Troubled By Facts: Anti-Gun Academics
Latest Bin Laden Tapes Outright Fakes Designed To Create 9/11-Iraq Link
The Great Crime Spree of 2004- by Justin Raimondo <===
Not Just Numbers - tragic losses: names of soldiers that have died
DU depleted uranium - The Stuff of Nightmares <==
Goodbye to 2004 - False promises, Mass stupidity and Short Memories <==
US to produce the most lethal biological and chemical weapons ever known <===
A 'Long War' Against Whom? <==
Armageddon Online - Let's talk War Crimes
Anger and Admiration: I Dread the Coming Year
'Affirmative Measure' to Help Prevent War Crimes by the Bush Admin <==
Will John Kerry Report for Duty? <==
The Big Stories of 2005 by Eric Margolis <==
Red-state fascism worrying libertarians and Normal people
The Nation | A Devil's Island for Our Times - Robert Scheer
Satan Is Playing For Keeps <==
Life in the New World Order - kirwan - WE'RE GOING FOR OIL - Jan 21 2003
China Finds 20.5 Billion Tons Of New Oil Reserves - 111 billion barrels
Frosty Wooldridge's Action Letter <=
The Reality of Red-State Fascism by Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. <==
The Tsunami, Satellite Images, BEFORE AND AFTER
Illegal Immigration Would Stop, IF... <=
Treason - long list why Bush and his friends should be in jail... <=== - New Army Recruits Pre-Programmed for Violence?
Guerrilla News Network - Top Ten War Profiteers Of 2004 <==
TV Networks Officially Refuse to Release Exit Poll Raw Data <===
New World Order vs. America - No Denying it
Tsunami Disaster Highlights Corporate Media Hypocrisy
People-tracking closer to reality, VeriChip with global positioning satellite
When A Physician Won't Listen About Aspartame
Iraq - A War For Israel? <=
The Power of Nightmares - Part III - Fear based profiteering - Video Online <==
2005 ILL FATED NEW YEAR - Whats to come
Neo-fascism in America, a primer <==
Dead Osama Gives Mythical al-Zarqawi a Promotion
Guardian Unlimited | A state of chaos
KR - Neo-cons can't escape responsibility for their Iraq miscalculations <==
Bill Moyers: "Our Democracy is in Danger of Being Paralyzed" - Media Lies <=
Mire Of Death, Lies And Atrocities, We Glimpse The Ghost Of Vietnam
'The Power of Nightmares': Hyping Terror For Fun, Profit - And Power <===
Slate - Iraq 2004 Looks Like Vietnam 1966
History Will Show U.S. Lusted after Oil <==
National Forest Management Act, Like a Christmas Tree in the Gutter
"Income Tax" in America - Section 861 determination <== Russia and China to Hold Joint Maneuvers
Polluters Of US Perceptions Perceptions
Emergency Warning As Global Flu Epidemic Fears Grow
GIs Can Be Ordered To Wear U.N. Beret <==
Michael New - Mercenary... or American Soldier, forcing our soldiers to wear UN blue
The Truth Seeker - We are losing the Iraq War militarily: Conclusion
Second Ukrainian Election: Results Reversed in a Blowout for the Liberal
The Republican Leaderships Problem With Democracy
Sending Insane Signals to the nations kids
George W. Bush: Champion of 'Gay Rights' - Promise one thing and do another
Essential Maneuvers To Forestall Armageddon The Next Steps <==
21 Questions George W. Bush Won't Be Asked <==
Terrorism In America? What Terrorism? <==
HR 2977 Space Preservation Act of 2001 - Implies these weapons exist <==
$615 Billion Deficit Snow Job, future obligations grew $11.1 trillion in 2004 <===
Iraqi Resistance Report for Sunday, 26 December 2004
"Owning the Weather" for Military Use by Michel Chossudovsky <===
Greater Government Spending Has Not Enhanced National Security
Yes, you must pull out - but also pay for the damage
Swedish paper reports tsunami warning halted out of concern for tourist industry
How the U.S. Uses Globalization to Cheat Poor Countries Out of Trillions
The New York Times > Shopping for War <==
National Lawyers Guild Report on Government Tyranny - Book.pdf <===
Rumsfeld's New View On 911 <==
Rumsfeld says 9-11 plane 'shot down' in Pennsylvania <==
Rise of the Religious Right in the Republican Party <==
Bush Administration Allies With Abortion Industry
Iraq in Pictures - Graphic images of the war in Iraq updated daily.
Dover AFB - the war dead Images
Iraqi Resistance Report for Friday, 24 Dec 2004 - making millions of enemies
We The People Foundation & We The People Congress
t r u t h o u t - The Washington Post | War Crimes
PHOTOS Show George W. Bush Seriously Ill Physically
No peace on Earth during unjust war <==
Americans ceding too much freedom
Bushy Claus <==
The Black Commentator - Merry Christmas, Damn It <= - Rewarding Incompetence
Israeli Spying On US Unravels - Franklin Sings Like Canary
4 Ways to Find Out What's Really Happening in Iraq
(DV) Drolette: The Mother of All Reports <==
LA Weekly: Features: The List 2004: 6 Bush Scandals To Come
AlterNet: EnviroHealth: How Now, Mad Cow?
A War We didn't have to fight (by Ed Asner & Burt Hall) <===
It's Vietnam Again! :: Intervention Magazine
Press Fails To Press Bush - Sucking Up To Sources <=
China Backs Iran Against America, Major energy crisis ahead for US <===
Document - Bush May Have Ordered Torture Of Iraqis <=
t r u t h o u t - New F.B.I. Files Describe Torture of Iraq Inmates <=
Rumsfeld and His Role in Prisoner Torture
It Can't Happen Here by Rep. Ron Paul <===
The Exploitation of Soldiers by Butler Shaffer
Meet the Stenographers - Press shirks duty to scrutinize official claims <==
As the world fast approaches D-Day - several very good articles <==
Geoff Metcalf -- An Individual Right - The Second Amendment
Falluja returnees angry, "city unfit for animals"
Abu Ghraib: Wrapped in an Israeli Flag
Military Personnel Wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan: A Photo Gallery
The Fountainhead Of Peace
Flashback 12/12/01 - Video: Fox News Series On Israeli Spying In The US <===
In Fallujah, the mightiest military machine in history has met its match
Destroyed Fallujah Now Uninhabitable
9/11 - WHO DID THIS?
Yahoo! News - Protests Planned for 2nd Bush Inauguration
MSNBC - Union: Meat plants violate mad cow rules
Insurgent Voice - Myth of a Divided America - short Video online
Tragedy Of The Commons
Immigration's Third World Cruelty To Animals
Russia Preps For Two ICBM Launches, thanks bush
The Secret Patriot Act II Destroys What Is Left of American Liberty <=== | The future of the dollar
Purple Hearts: Back from Iraq - The Digital Journalist
LATimes: FBI Claims More Arab Prisoners Abused, Israeli flags wrapped around them
Zionist Israel's New Mack Daddy <==
Disclosures Of Corruption Of The US Supreme Court
News Hounds: Time To Take Back America From The Right
Three short videos of Vancouver BC protesting Bush on November 30 <===
Christians Face 47 Years In Prison, Philly Judge Calls Bible Verses 'fighting Words'
IRAQ - Poison gases, Napalm and more were used in U.S. assault, say Fallujans <==
The crime of filming repression in Palestine - US woman in lockup
What Really Happened at the Pentagon on 9/11? - G. Edward Griffin <==
Mad Cow Feed Loopholes Still Not Closed
To torture is to lose the war - torture planned within days of 911
No evidence saddam gassed the kurds - cia and scientists report
Donald the Reptile Rumsfeld <==
He shouldn't be on the cover of TIME, he should be doing TIME
'Christmas Is Taboo In America'
The Revolution? It's Over - The Rest Is Just Enforcement
Bush is Selling a Trojan Horse, Says Author of 'The Looting of Social Security'
The Mote in Thine Own Eye (
Our disappearing dollar <==
Webb 'Suicide' Looking More Like Murder
More Evidence On Danger Of Mercury Fillings
Major US Defeat In Fallujah Claimed
American Prospect - The talk is Social Security, but the topic should be China
The economy demands serious attention, not self-deception and grandstanding
Eric Margolis - 5000 kurds killed by Iran - CIA documents
t r u t h o u t - A Flood of Troubled Soldiers Returning from Iraq
Cattle Feed Contaminated By Animal Parts - Both Domestic And Imported Feed
BBC NEWS | Middle East | US 'failed to control' Iraq oil
The Dark Alliance - CIA drug running - Gary Webb / SJMN Series
Democracy Now! | CIA Agent Says Bosses Ordered Him To Falsify WMD Reports
U.S.: A Call for a New Election <==
Rise of the Amerikan Nazis: Part II: Democracy at Death's Doorstep
Feel Your Pregnant Wife's Breasts and throw You in a Cell at the Airport
Bush mythology bubble: Part 3: 9-11 served a multitude of purposes
Christians Face 47 Years in Prison For Reading Bible, Praying On Street <==
Webb Coroner Confirms TWO Shots To The Head
How the USAF was Stood Down on 9/11 <===
The Bush Family and 9/11 <==
9/11 Conspiracy: A Summary <==
Asia Times - The failed US face of Fallujah
Green Party's Cobb Says Kerry Is Thwarting Recount
Only In Arkansas: Webb 'Double Gunshot Wounds' Explanation Defies Belief
Ohio vote count battles escalate amidst new evidence of potential criminal activity
US Accuses Israel Of Spying On Washington Again
'Silver Bullet,' Black Dust - DU's Deadly Trail
Illegal Immigration - A Private Man's Story In Texas <==
Bush Passes US Intelligence Bill - there ya go <=
Indiana Jones Leads Hollywood's 'Battle For Falluja'
Weapons Of Christmas Destruction
"Borrow-and-Spend" Republicans Are Bankrupting America
The Plot To Kill Us All - the tragic American coma intensifies <===
Asia Times - How Iran will fight back
Gary Webb - CIA-Contras-Crack Cocaine -- Nov. 5, 1996
Video: A Message From The Iraq Resistance
Illegal Immigration's Destruction Of America's Middle Class <=
US Forced To 'Diet' Soft Drinks - Suicide On An Installment Plan
Bush Cronyism - foxes guarding the henhouse - Back Room Deals <=
Bush: War funding request may hit $100 billion - Where does it stop?
Tribute - Those that are most evil working for the U.S. - kirwan <===
Living Under Fascism - No? Think again <===
Battlefield Earth By Bill Moyers <=
Excellent report on the consequences of the "Bush War Policy" (pdf)
A Theologian Asks the Hard Questions About 9/11
Yahoo! News - Rumsfeld May Soon Regret His Arrogance Toward U.S. Troops
CBS News | Parting Shots From Fritz Hollings - Leaders all bought and paid for
Attack Iran the day Iraq war ends, demands Israel - calling the shots
Dying for Consumption
Full Interview w/ J.H. Hatfield Who Died 2 Years Ago of an Alleged Suicide <==
The Plutonium Files - 18 people injected with plutonium without their knowledge
Evidence Begins To Indicate Gary Webb Was Murdered - Video <==
t r u t h o u t - Proof of Ohio Election Fraud Exposed - Smoking Gun <===
Too Much To Swallow - The daily "bad news." <==
Police No Longer Need Say Why Arrests Are Made <==
Israelis Hasten Land Grab In Shadow Of Wall
Deadly Reversal As Victims Become Aggressors
t r u t h o u t - Army Doctors Overwhelmed by Severity, Scope of Iraq Wounded
'I Was Right To Shoot 13-Yr-Old Child' Radio Exchange, Gaza Killing
Our Soldiers: Overstretched and Unprotected and for what? <==
The Balkanization Of America, 5-10,000 illegal aliens per night <===
Finding the Right Corrupt Appointee Is Hard <==
WTC Black Box Cover Up - Rescue workers silenced after exposing whitewash <===
Anti-terror bill worries liberties groups
Jim Hightower: Growing Up with Your Chip
WorldNetDaily: Texas School distributes satanic sex calendar to 12 year olds
George W. Bush's America: A National Nightmare? "Let me see your papers!" <===
American Soldiers Getting The Shaft
Dogged belief without critical examination is the essence of Madness <===
A Defeat For an Empire <=
a government gone insane, embracing terror, atrocity and tyranny <===
Dov Zakheim's Homeland Security biz and the remote control of aircraft
MASTERMIND OF 9/11! Rabbi Dov Zakheim: Under-sec of Defense
BuzzFlash > The New York Times Ignores the Voting Problems
Rebellion in the Ranks- by Justin Raimondo - A Lump Of Coal For America's Poor and Elderly
Pentagon Wants Women In Combat
Memo To Future Generations: You're Screwed by Karl W. B. Schwarz <===
U.S. spent more than $65 million in Ukraine for their democracy, what about ours?
Watch list checks to cover cruise, airport "additional scrutiny for some other reason."
Flashback: Did Israel execute the 9-11 act of war against America?
U.S. soldiers' grilling fields, More talk heard of desertion, disgruntlement
t r u t h o u t - Resourcefulness a Crime in Rumsfeld's Army
Dollar Doom - Alien Assault, foreigners buying up America <==
US Military Obstructing Iraqi Medical Care
The Season of Giving and losing - kirwan <===
Devvy Kidd -- Civil Disobedience And The National ID <===
War Crime - Real Facts of the Folly - 4 more years, Who is responsible <===
Depleted uranium: the gift that keeps on giving and taking - flash <===
There's plenty for a free press to report but have not <===
Iraq death rate lower, but wounds are worse
GARY WEBB, 49, wrote about CIA and Crack, Found Dead - not suicide
Recent story by "suicided" journalist Gary Webb: red-light cameras
Intelligence Bill Is A New Agenda, Not Reform <==
Ohio Election Fraud: Blackwell Locks Out Recount Volunteers <===
US Troops Ordered To Commit War Crimes <==
Rumsfeld Lied About Armor For US Troops In Iraq
"Your Papers Please" Homeland Security In Charge Of ALL Drivers Licenses <===
MSNBC - 9/11 measure expands police state powers <==
#1 Public Enemy - Monsanto: End of Bovine Growth Hormone Milk rBGH
portland imc - U.S. Turns Fallujah into a Huge Concentration Camp
Jewish Graffiti - 'Arabs To The Gas Chambers'
Polaris Institute - What is a Trillion Dollars Anyway?
The 'Stop Loss' Scam- by Justin Raimondo
Constitution Butchered in Winter of '04
Articles about the FTAA - Free Trade Area of the Americas
Stop The Lie - Defend America - Quo Vadis: Playing For Keeps <==
Rep. Ron Paul Denounces National ID Card <===
The Free Speech Myth by Thomas DiLorenzo <==
MSNBC - Congress approves sweeping intelligence reform - Papers Please <=
Karl Schwarz, the guy putting up $50 Mill to sue gov over 911 <===
The Mirage Of The Miracle
US Arms Sales To Israel End Up In China, Iraq
AlterNet: "America Is So Much Better Than This" Sen. Russ Feingold
USDA Mad Cow Coverup Unravels <===
Relief - For 300,000 Residents Of Fallujah Now In Camps
If Bush Gives Amnesty This Is What Will Happen To Us <==
Is Bush The Antichrist? <=
Flashback: Catholic New Times: Pope fears Bush is antichrist - Wayne Madsen <==
How Much Evil Will You Put Up With? Will You Wait Until It's Too Late? <== - Uncle Sam Wants Your Kids ? Now! - Col. David Hackworth
Seeing Iraq as Another Vietnam :: Intervention Magazine
Secret Patriot Act II to give Hitler's Powers to Bush <===
Phoenix Program for Iraq - whole adventure is about domination and control <===
Lawmakers - US Spy Project Threatens Security
OPEC Dumps The Dollar, accelerated after re-election of Bush
Real mainstream media - Missing and Presumed Dead <===
New Film Documents How the Corporate Media Muzzled the Truth About Iraq
Democracy Now! | Greg Palast on the "Apartheid Ballot Counting System in America"
Looming Energy Crisis Overshadows Bush's Second Term - Basis of Imperialism <===
Conflicted Reality - kirwan <===
Emergency Alert: National ID/Patriot Act 2 Legislation On Verge Of Passing <===
"God Is With Us": Hitler's Rhetoric and the Lure of "Moral Values" <==
'The Christian Dominionistas Just Don't Get It' - "fascist religious cult" <===
Pro-War Christians Should Come Clean <==
Buy Blue - Vote with your money
AIPAC agents in the illegal transfer of Stolen US Nuclear technology to China
Guardian Unlimited | Iraq faces descent into chaos, says CIA chief
Russia Reveals Long-Range Cruise Missiles - NEWS - MOSNEWS.COM
Terrorist Crossing: Cover-up on the U.S.-Mexico Border | The disappearing dollar
SR1878 - acknowledgment of God by the states, The basis of replacing the Constitution
Yahoo! News: Borrowing to Help Fund Social Security Plan
Photos of US Navy Seals' Prisoner Torture
Russia Reveals Deadly New Missile For Air Force - Thanks bush
Was 9-11 The Ultimate Black Operation?
The Presidential Oath - bush has failed to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution
Plans To Scrap WTC Towers For $5.9 Billion In 1989! <===
Yahoo! News - Deduction Proposal Would Hit Blue State Taxpayers Bigtime
US admits the war for 'hearts and minds' in Iraq is now lost
Exclusive: Full text of 9/11 police state bill draft
Ex-Stasi Spy Chief Markus Wolf Hired By Homeland Security <===
US Soldiers Fight Iraq Enlistment Extensions till Dec. 24, 2031 <===
National Fluoride Database Launched by USDA - HAZMAT toxic waste <=
Project Censored - Top Censored Stories of 2004 <===
The Truth Seeker - Voice of the White House December 6, 2004
Iraq Coalition Casualties - Detailed
The Indelible Evil of this War <===
Do FOIA Files Prove FDR Had Foreknowledge of Pearl Harbor?
Pearl Harbor Cover Up
The McCollum Memo: The Smoking Gun of Pearl Harbor
Pearl Harbor - Mother of All Conspiracies
U.S. students lagging in math skills - bombs instead of books
Fallujah: Pentagon Plans a High-tech Strategic Hamlet <==
Total Information Awareness Ready Before 9/11
If You Have Nothing to Hide, You Have Nothing to Worry About... I Guess
Paul Craig Roberts: Is the Bush Administration Certifiable?
7 Retired Top US Military: Bush Screwed Up In Iraq "It's a huge disaster" <===
NYTimes: Regulation Redefined: At F.D.A., Strong Drug Ties and Less Monitoring
Innocence and Ignorance Beget Horror and Destruction <===
Top Secret U.S. Army Document Reveals U.S. Interference in Venezuela
POISONOUS LEGACY - Depleted Uranium Video/Flash <==
Daily Kos :: Depleted Uranium and Birth Defects (VERY GRAPHIC) <==
Ivins: Drop the euphemisms - it's not 'tantamount to torture'; it's torture
The Washington Dispatch: George W. Bush Takes Familiar, Fatal Step In Iraq
The Langley Lobotomy
Fallujah As A 'Model City'
Money--Funny, Scary, Paper Money
Will The US Sink Like The Titantic? We must seal our borders
Stunning Jewish Success Dominates American Media
Makow - Is The US The Next Mexico? New World Order Colony
Hollywood Elite to Brace for Schwarzenegger Presidential Candidacy in 2008
Rodney Stubbs -- United Nations Declares War on America
Christian Killers? by Laurence M. Vance
Heading For Financial Disaster?
Uncle Sam Has His Own Gulag, Behaving Like The Soviet Secret Police
Just Part Of Bush's Upside Down World <===
portland imc - Judge rules Ohio recount will go forward in all counties
Navy investigating new set of Iraqi prisoner photos
Iraq: The Words of Mass Deception - the 'WMD scandal' <===
CBS News | The Dollar's Decline Does Matter
Guardian | Save us from the politicians who have God on their side <==
'Anti-Bioterror' Labs Raise Risk To US, Critics Say
The Big Picture - 2004 Update
New Law Bans Forced Psychiatric Drugging Of Children
Justice for 9/11 -- Solidarity Petition -- []
Pop goes the Bush mythology bubble: Part 1: The 9-11 Commission <===
Bush Sets Out To Dismantle 30 Years Of Environmental Laws - The Peaceful Revolution is NOW!
Putting Profits Over People is Just Wrong <=== - FBI spying allegations supported by records
Flashback: Iraq - The Trail of Disinformation
EPA and Chemical Industry to Test Toxic Chemicals on Children
Stop Bathing In Woolite <==
In Iraq, the US does eliminate those who dare to count the dead <==
Our Place in the World: U.S. mortgages its sovereignty <===
Firebombing Falluja with Napalm banned by the UN and governments world over
'The Bush delusions: Successful at incompetence' <==
The greatest lie ever told : Inside the Clouds of 9/11, Catalyst for Perpetual War
Bush Planned Iraq 'Regime Change' Before Becoming President <===
Fallujah Refugees Tell Of Life, Death In The US Kill Zone
Provision Targets Wild Horses For Food Slaughter
They Fight and Die, But Not For Their Country
How Mercury Causes Brain Neuron Degeneration
Another Day in the Empire » Mike?s New Suit
MARTIAL LAW: 9-11: Rise of the Police State - Trailer
The Denver Voice - Canada Protest Photos <==
Mainstream Media is Pentagon's Propaganda Arm
More On Vote Rigging With Saudi/Enron Funds
Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War
Canyon In The Heart An abyss of icy silence divides those who care <==
Activists Crawl Through Web to Untangle US Secrecy <==
Jesse Jackson: Kerry's "Early Concession Betrayed the Trust of the Voters"
President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health
Votergate - More Details Emerge by Wayne Madsen
If It's 2005, It Must Be Time For Another War Bushies Gear Up For Iran
Jail the War Party- by Justin Raimondo - nothing less than treason <===
Undercover journalist tracked debauchery at RNC after-events
Fallujah Residents Face Choice: Retina Scan and Take ID Card....Or Die
Mandatory mental health screening program and forced drugging
Very, Very Dirty Pictures / You want explicit? the real war
What Became of Conservatives? - by Paul Craig Roberts <==
Cobb: Ohio Recount Must Start Now! - Read the comment that follows
US Will Officially Legalize Genetic Pollution of Crops
KR | Subpoenas issued for officials of pro-Israel lobby group
Raytheon 'Heat Beam' Weapon Ready For Iraq - for toasting Arabs
This Law Was ALMOST Passed In Oregon <===
The civilians we killed, If only those who sent us to Iraq lay awake at night
The New American - Criminalizing Dissent - December 6, 1999
Not All Illegal Aliens Come Here To Work, Crime Wave <===
Of Mice, Men and In-Between - chimeras
What Does It Mean To Support Our Troops? Gulf War Illness
TSA Bullies at the Airport - by Congressman Ron Paul <==
2004 ? Year of the Slave <=== / World / US - Social Security reform 'could worsen deficit'
The Military Draft up to the age limit of 44 years old <==
Massive D.C. Counter-Inaugural Demonstration Jan 20
"KILL ON SIGHT" A Christ Follower's Dilemma
Challenge the Silence <===
Trail of a Bullet: the depleted uranium issue <==
Pentagon Report: 'They hate our policies, not our freedom' <===
The Farce In Fallujah
Further Evidence Of Mass Graves Of US Soldiers In Iraq
Terrorism: No Name Death from the Sky <===
My pastor kept asking us to pray for George Bush to win <=
Kean Threatens More Terror if no 9/11 Police State Bill
The Federal Reserve System... How It Robs You Blind
Are "New World Order" Proponents... Traitors Or Just Misguided?
B E L L A C I A O - Kerry's Silence Indicates Complicity with Vote Fraud <===
Terrorism And The Normal Aberrations Of Society
Update - History Channel
Big Brother - mandate to test and drug our children, and then us <===
Corporate Takeover Of Government Well Underway <==
Swallowing A Scorpion From Mexico <==
The Rise Of The Fourth Reich
Bush Renews Migrant Pledge to give illegal immigrants guest-worker status
UN: War 'Wreaking Havoc' on Iraq Young <==
AlterNet: War on Iraq: How to End the Iraq War
Is America heading toward fascism?
IraqWar: Lords of the flies
FLASHBACK: The United States Is In Deep Doodoo! <===
Press Action ::: America?s Crisis - So, tell me again why all these people had to die? <===
Government Debt - The Greatest Threat to National Security <==
India, China And Others Dumping US Dollar To Buy Euro
How Zionists Spy On American Citizens 24/7 <=
Nothing To Fear But Self-Imposed Fear Itself <==
Craig Roberts -- You Have Papers?
Saudis, Enron money helped pay for US rigged election <==
What The Dollar's Collapse Will Mean To The World
The Invasion of Iraq: Dollar vs Euro - A Prime Reason
swissinfo - Turk lawmaker says US in Iraq worse than Hitler
Mary Starrett -- Where's the Outrage? <===
No Delusions, You have Blood on your hands too <==
New Statesman - Did Dubbya rig the election? <==
20,802 US Soldiers Heavily Wounded
When America kills children, is God on its side?
Iraq Pipeline Watch - Only the pipeline to Haifa never attacked
Economic 'Armageddon' Predicted <==
UL Lab Director Fired After Questioning Federal Probe
Mysterious ?George W. Bush: Our leader? Clear Channel billboard in Orlando
New Scientific Paper debunks the myth of Monsanto's GM Corn & Soy safety
Bush Shapes CIA In His Own Image
How To Create A WIA - Worthless Intelligence Agency by Chalmers Johnson <=
Condi Is A 'Monster' - 'A Damn Liar' - Helen Thomas
$100,000 Reward For Scientific Proof WTC Towers Collapsed As Bush Admin Claims
CBS News - Bush's 15,000 Uncounted US Iraq Casualties <===
US Media Preps Americans For Attack On Iran
Aspartame And Vioxx Alert!
Intrusive Airport Searches: Screeners Authorized to "Pat Down" Private Parts
The Lying Game, Revisited- by Justin Raimondo
Texas Radio Host Launches Anti-Schwarzenegger Effort
Jewish Dominance Of America - Facts Are Facts
House GOP leaders stand ground on 9/11 police state bill, Ok for now..
Chimeras, Cloning and Freak Human-Animal Hybrids, Stem Cells at Work <==
School orders boy to cover his T-shirt
B E L L A C I A O - United States of Hypocrisy points finger at Vote Fraud in Ukraine
White House seeks study on whether to transfer CIA forces to Pentagon <==
New Spy Investigation Suppressed at Crucial Juncture, Story just went away <==
If there once was a liberal media, those days are gone <===
False Claims, We Won't Get Fooled Again? - by Paul Craig Roberts <==
Bureau of the Public Debt : The Debt To the Penny
Press Action ::: No, Virginia, the Earth Is Not Flat ... They Just Believe It Is <===
Letter to the Freedom Fighters of Fallujah, and the People of Iraq
BuzzFlash > Why Bush's America Feels Like Orwell's 1984 <===
News Gathering Is Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll <==
The Patriot Act compared to The Enabling Act
NOW with Bill Moyers- Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003
Justice Dept. Drafts Sweeping Expansion of Anti-Terrorism Act
On Executions, Beheadings And Other Propaganda Operations <==
Consumer Power, Privacy, And RFID
Bush-Terror, The 'Supreme International Crime' <===
Kissinger, Eugenics And Depopulation
Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War <===
Yes, The Times They Are A Changin'
Devvy Kidd -- More Information on Push For NY Grand Jury Over 9/11
War Without End :: Zionist Neocon Pentagon turns heat up on Iran
Flashback: Bush's New World Disorder <===
Ex FBI/CIA Agents Ready To Blow Bush 911 Cover Story <===
GOP Poised To Repeal Food Labeling Law
The loss of History and Truth <=
Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003 Also Known As USA Patriot Act II <===
Zionism's Useful Idiots, That's you and me, taxpaying US citizens <==
Why People Won't See, How Your Government Gets Away With Murder <==
War of the Worlds: "World of Truth" and the "World of Delusion" <===
America Is a Banana Republic, Not a Democratic Republic <=
Why You're Not Getting the News <===
B E L L A C I A O - Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War <===
93,136 EXTRA Votes Found In ONE Ohio County <==
An Irreversible Immigration Crisis <==
Bush-Cheney War Now Costs $5.8 Billion A Month <===
Not What You Think - by Charley Reese <==
Books Not Bombs - Dont let military recruiters get your info - DOC file <===
It Affects You: Patriot act extends to blogs critical of government
Opium production surging in Afghanistan, the intended outcome of the invasion <==
Open letter to Dr. Condoleezza Rice - PRAVDA.Ru
War Criminal as Attorney General? By Prof. Francis A. Boyle <===
Outsourcing of jobs is accelerating in U.S
Head of Movement to Amend Constitution For Schwarzenegger...
The Memory Hole >Reasons Not to Invade Iraq, by George Bush Sr. <===
Los Angeles Talk Show Hosts Find Killing American Troops Funny
Greenspan concerned over deficits' future impact - Just a few years late on the causes
Bush's 'Perception Management' Plan - Self Deception in the White House <===
This US strategy has created exactly the dilemma that critics had predicted
Resident Evil--1600 Pennsylvania Avenue <==
Mad Cow Censorship In Amerika
'Stinking Evidence' of Possible Election Fraud Found in Florida <===
Televangelical Tentacles and the extreme shift to the right <==
US Slaughters People At Prayer In Baghdad Mosque
Something is rotten in Denmark: CNN changed its exit poll data to conform <==
Apathy, Arrogance or Fear: We Must Face All Three - kirwan <===
JFK - Murder Or Political Assassination and how GWB came to be <==
There Is No One Left to Stop Them - by Paul Craig Roberts <===
Media accused of ignoring election irregularities - Conspiracy of Silence
Russia Developing New Nuclear Missile, bush started this race <=
BBC NEWS | Business | Dollar continues record declines
Senate OKs $800B Debt Limit Hike, $2,777 each, plus accruing interest <===
The 2002 report on bin laden they would not release before the election
Underwriters' Labs fires 9/11 whistleblower
Trinitite - What the Heck is this Stuff? - $5 trillion dollar nuclear deterrent
How Dare Families and Survivors of 9/11 Question Government Version! <===
Iraqi Physican Confirms US Chem Weapons Use In Fallujah
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER, NOV. 7 -- BUSH'S PLANS defining hell <==
US media applauds destruction of Fallujah
Flu Pandemic Near, Experts Fear <=
KR Washington - After day of cabinet resignations, many fear a shift to the right
America at Mid-Century looking back at 2000 on <==
Margaret Hassan execution: CIA-DIA-Mossad Counterinsurgency operation?
t r u t h o u t - Porter Goss Tells CIA Workers to Back Bush
Former Marine Sgt In Iraq Speaks Out Against War
Come let us reason together <===
Breaking the Trance <==
AP Wire | Analysis: Bush Cabinet Full of Loyalists - No Sanity Left <==
This is Why the US has Re-Elected Bush - Media Monitors
GOP embraces change in membership rules to insulate DeLay - What Morals?
The New Mongols - US Troops On A Killing Spree <==
Gulf War Syndrome Beyond Doubt, Inquiry Finds
MindFreedom Online: Bush to Screen USA for Psychiatric Drugging <===
Told ya: Don't Vote Bush: Bush Victory Would Mean Darker Times Ahead
CIA Urging Spies to Support Bush - U.S. Intell now Deaf, Dumb and Blind <===
COINTELPRO: The Governments Dirty Tricks <==
United Nations Body Set up to Make Recommendations on Governing Internet
Iran: A Bridge too Far? <==
A Petition to Congress: Investigation into the Presidential Election of 2004 <===
The coming showdown in Iran - a scenario
95.2% Opposed to California DMV Plan to Tax by the Mile, $1,800 a year to start <===
Schwarzenegger for President 2008? <=
Schwartzenegger's Nazi and New World Order Ties
How To Destroy America By Design <===
The Spyware Stampede
The Arrival Of Secret Law in America, Tsa Threatens To Arrest Leakers <==
US Soldier Kills Wounded Insurgent In Cold Blood 'The Geneva Conventions?'
Take No Prisoners, kill him he's wounded
Controversial Cockpit Video on the Strafing of Civilians in Fallujah
UK Indymedia | The Apache Killing Video
New Report, Footage Surfaces On Mass Graves Of US Soldiers
Government looking at military draft lists, Ramping up.. <=
No Child Left Behind Act requires No Child Left Unrecruited <==
Bush Rats Jumping Ship,to Be Replaced By Ebola-Toxic Next-Gen Republicanazis <==
Bush threatens mankind, says Nobel Peace Prize nominee Dr Helen Caldicott <===
'Paid Politicians' Targeting Christian Boycott Of Israel
US Kills At Least 800 Civilians In Fallujah - Should Canada indict Bush?
New Plan Virtually Eliminates US/Mexico/Canada Borders Meet NAFTA On Steroids <==
Yahoo! News - These Unseen Wounds Cut Deep
The Neocons and their Checklist we should fear <=
US Troops Shot Civilians Escaping From Fallujah
Goodbye, Dollar and Empire <===
Haunted Empire - beyond all logic and reason and humanity <==
How many more Iraqis must die for our revenge?
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | His Red Right Hand <==
US Snipers Slaughter Civilians Crossing Euphrates
More Data - Cell Phone Childhood Brain Cancer Linkage
Silverstein, FDNY Decided to 'Pull WTC 7': An In-Depth Analysis <===
Break for News - We've Been Had - election <==
Chess Champ Kasparov Tells West Not to Ignore Putin's March to Dictatorship
Schwarzenegger for President? Think is could not happen? Think again <=
Who Is The Real Enemy? When your Country does Pure Evil <===
Teachers Who Criticize Support For Israel Targeted!
Fallujah in Pictures, 51% support this crime <===
MARINES SELF-DESTRUCT - Everlasting stain and Disgrace <==
In Violation Of Their Oath Of Office, Over Three Million Illegal Aliens a Year <===
The Other Face Of US 'Success' In Fallujah
Flashback: An Advisory to US Troops <==
Gop Vote Suppression Is A Coup Against U.S. Constitution <==
New Iraq Law Outlaws Saving Seeds! Requires Licenses!
The costs of war - Bill to taxpayers will soon exceed $260 billion
Yuppie Banker Apology In 2008
US Asks Ceasefire - 40 Destroyed Tanks On One Street
New Yorker Mag's Hersh - Iraq War Will Trash US Economy
Deception, Religious Fervor and Perpetual War to Control the Ignorant Masses <===
From A Fellow Earthling - Part 3 <=
Fallujah 101: A history lesson about the town we are currently destroying
Talk, Plans For Secession Increase
Denial Of Reality Attack -- Religious NeoFascism
Israel - Blackmailing America (Again) CIA plans to purge its agency of those disloyal to bush
Mary Starrett -- Memo to The "Christians" Who Voted For Bush: You've Been Had
Bush saving the world from Saddam's murders with..... MURDER? so says Iraqi girl
The Unauthorized Video Biography Of Dick Cheney Online
Kissinger Declassified: Horrifying U.S. complicity in dark deeds of right-wing dictators
The US "Liberation" of Iraq , buzzflash video <===
93,000 Extra Votes In Cuyahoga County - Outrage In Ohio <==
Jesus Wasn't A Republican <==
Sorry Everybody - Americans Apologize To The World 4000+ and counting <==
Fort Bragg Troops Train For Homeland Security Mission - MARTIAL LAW COMING
Underwriter's Labs disproves claim that fire brought down the WTC <===
President Bush Sticks It To Conservatives Again <==
'People In Fallujah Are Being Slaughtered' from a girl living in Baghdad <==
Mass Media In 'Lock Down' Not To Cover Vote Fraud <===
Skillful Effort Towards Bringing About an Apocalyptic World War? <===
Flashback: Into the Dark - Using terror as a means - P2OG <==
Flashback: Chris Floyd: Rummy's P2OG Plan to Provoke Terrorist Attacks <==
Flashback: Proactive Preemptive Operations Group P2OG <==
Bush Selects Evangelical For Attorney General Post
Journalist predicts war in Iraq will plunge U.S. economy into downturn
America May Be Forced to Surrender in Iraq
Police Tasered truant girl, 12
B E L L A C I A O - 123 allegations of voter fraud from around the nation <==
US snipers kill 17 doctors and nurses on their way to help the people of Fallujah
Attack on Fallujah can't be justified
Epa Will Use Poor Kids As Guinea Pigs In New Study On Pesticides - A Global Network of More Than 1,000 Media Issues Groups
US soldier shoots Bengal tiger in Baghdad zoo - PRAVDA.Ru
Wake Up Call - What Will YOU Do When It's Too Late? <==
All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic <==
Yahoo! News - Air Force report calls for $7.5M to study psychic teleportation
Capitol Hill Blue: Bush's Goal: Destroy What's Left of America <==
Sensory Overload: Free States vs. Slave States ~Oh How Far We've Come...
Putin Planning Giant Superpower Coalition <==
Aljazeera.Net - 'Scores of civilians' killed in Falluja
Alas America <=
Vaccine Ingredients - Formaldehyde, Aspartame, Mercury, Etc
AxisofLogic - Breathing Uranium Oxides: Global Medical Crisis of Depleted Uranium <=
The National media imbalance let down America <==
George W. Bush : Mistaken - Video Online <==
Ancient Forests, Salmon, Endangered Species Act Face Congressional Threat
FDA threatens your right to dietary supplements <==
FDA Announces Major Initiatives for Dietary Supplements
Tanks Greet Protestors in Los Angeles
Anti-war protest in L.A. gets response with tanks
It's the people stupid!
A rosary hangs off the barrel of a machinegun mounted on a Bradley - Nuts.. Update 3: U.S. Dollar Drops to New All-Time Low <==
Flashback: Dow Jones - Bush urged to signal a dollar devaluation of up to 20% <===
Flashback: Snow Signals Change In Structure Of Government And Value Of Dollar
Flashback: US Government 'misplaces' trillions of dollars
Flashback: Museletter: The Endangered US Dollar, Phony Federal Reserve history
Flashback: Bush's 'mistake' cost thousands of lives and countless billions of dollars
Iraq: the unthinkable becomes normal, Colonial Crimes <==
Iraq veteran Jimmy Massey - We're committing genocide in Iraq <=
Vote to Impeach Bush Now
Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution <===
Meet the Patriot Act - Really, you might want to sit down for this one
Architect of Abu Ghraib Torture is Bush's Pick for Attorney General <===
CNN Poll: 89% Believe US Government Covering Up 9/11
CNN - Do you believe in a government cover-up surrounding 9/11 - 85% yes <==
INN - CNN covers 9/11 Truth Movement, own Poll: 90% believe in Cover-up
What You Don't Know About Aspartame Can Destroy Your Health 11/10/04
Bush revives bid to legalize illegal aliens, 59 Million Voted for this CREEP<==
Police State Inauguration for Would Be Dictator to Feature Active Duty Troops
Two Out of Three Foster Children in Texas on Psychotropic Medication
House Shuns Bush's Illegal Alien Proposal, temporary relief
A Chip in Your Shoulder - Should I get an RFID implant? By Josh McHugh
Debunker Attacks WTC 7 Evidence on MSNBC's Countdown <==
Video of Tanks at anti-war protest in LA : LA IMC <=
US Troops Reportedly Gassing Fallujah with internationally-banned chemical weapons
Wired News: Con Job at Diebold Subsidiary, At least five convicted felons
News for Repubs and born-agains: Bush doesn't care about you, either <==
Is Guilt Obsolete? - Drugs to Stop Emotions <==
Illegal Immigration And The Minute Man Project
Asia Times - War Crimes in Fallujah
IPA News Release: Is the U.S. Committing War Crimes in Iraq?
Bush Wants To Legalize MILLIONS Illegal Aliens - Powell <==
The Big Currency Question: The Buck Stops Where? dollar slide tip of iceberg
A Conservative Christian Republican Demands more Truth from Bush <==
US Media An Accomplice In Assault On Fallujah
Fallujah: U.S. Declares War on Hospitals, Ambulances, Violation of Geneva Convention
Chuck Baldwin -- Christians And Conservatives Can Go Back To Sleep Now <===
Devvy Kidd -- Why Are Democrats Upset Over The Elections?
Draft coming, students told - war profittering
Fewer CIA track bin Laden today than on Sept. 11,2001! your pres at work
Chilling Costs Of Illegal Alien Migration <===
The Final Solution (Endlösung) for Fallujah and Ramadi <=
Mothers and Children, Run and Hide! America is Coming to Town!
Daily Kos :: Law to introduce GOD above the US Supreme Court <==
Law to introduce GOD above the US Supreme Court S.2082 Senate text <==
Hello: You are now living in a fascist empire <===
UNObserver: World Wide Petition against the Escalation in Iraq (E - FR - NL)
Security for swearing-in to be unrivaled, Only a Dictator would need it
The Illuminati Always Win The 'Election' <==
World Sits By, Watches US Slaughter In Iraq Continue <===
The Satanic Christians of the USA - PRAVDA.Ru <==
Eulogy for America - Born July 4, 1776 - Died November 2, 2004
Wake Up, Michael Moore <=
Arma-geddon Sick of You: World to US as Americans prepare to level Fallujah
American Options In Iraq <==
Video: Mission Accomplished
The Power of Nightmares - must watch documentary - Video online <===
All the makings of a war crime - with Australia silently onside
Where Do We Go From Here? <=
God's Anointed One Was Elected - nuts.. <===
Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow And Alzheimer's
BBC NEWS | US strikes raze Falluja hospital
Letter To The FBI
Amerikan Moonrise - The New Dark Age <=
Citadels Of Chaos - WWII lies and facts
Iraq Diaries: Spiraling Into Occupied Iraq - IT'S BUSHNESS AS USUAL - The World Shudders
Dick Cheney's Song of America, The Plan for Global Domination <=
Al Martin - High Crimes of the Bush Cabal, The Cold War Scam
US War Crimes in Fallujah - PRAVDA.Ru <=
Neo-Con Agenda: Iran, China, Russia, Latin America... - War with the World <==
America 2004 is Germany 1930 <==
Bush Family War Crimes <=
A Second Pearl Harbor? - Implications of Prior Knowledge of Danger to America
Did John Kerry Cancel The Election?
Media Coverup - Did Kerry Throw the Election?
The Ultimate Felony Against Democracy - Thom Hartmann <==
Electing For Self-Protection, path of moral and fiscal bankruptcy
The Loonies Have Taken Control
Budget Deficits May Force Bush To Make Hard Choices, Bubble will break <=
Divide And Conquer - No Reconciliation <==
American Sunset
Shock And Awe In America <===
Election Reinforces U.S. Religious Divide
Decomposing body to be shown on TV - Dehumanization / Desensitization
Administration pressures Congress to raise debt ceiling, Guess who gets the bill!
Draft agency files notice to request record matching with Department of Education
You Might be a Dubya Supporter if... <==
Guardian Unlimited | Bush will now celebrate by putting Falluja to the torch - Kerry Won by Greg Palast <==
The Skull & Bones Brothers Tag Team, Kerry Threw the Election <==
Impending U.S. debt disaster / Estimated as high as $72 trillion <===
United States fails national IQ test <==
Orwells er I mean Bush's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health <=
The New York Times > Opinion : Living Poor, Voting Rich
The Latest Bin Laden Video Tape A Fraud?
Global monitors find faults: Astonished at the Corruption
Re-election mandate in hand, Prepare for bush on Steriods <==
First the Back-Door Draft; Now the Foot-in-the-Door Draft
Wired News - Council of Churches: God Has No Place in U.S. Politics
Press Action ::: The Last Battle but took a dive <==
Resistance Is Not Futile - kirwan <=
Scott Ritter: The War on Iraq Has Made Moral Cowards of Us All
Divide And Rule ... For Now
Minnesota Daily : Why Bush will restart the draft if re-elected <==
Politrix dot Org - CIA Neocon in Charge Looking to Bury 9/11 Truths <=
Civil rights groups, GOP trade charges of dirty tricks
Full transcript of bin Ladin's speech: 11/01/04
U.S. National Debt Clock
Zionist Confirmation Makow Analysis bin Laden Video <==
MSNBC - 250,000 TONS Of Explosives Missing In Iraq - Secure before the invasion
U.S.C. - How To Shackle The Corrupt Government Gang - The Laws <=
The World Votes - Much more informed than in U.S. - Kerry over Bush 77 to 9 <==
Editorial- Hellfire and Brimstone <==
Fahrenheit 9/11 the Movie - Video Online free
Was Bush Wired? Sure Looks Like It.
It's The War, Stupid - Leon Trotsky's concept of global revolution <==
Voters Claim Abuse Of Electoral Rolls
The Capital Times - Bush terrifies me <===
The Nation - Even Republicans Fear Bush <===
Purposely Corrupted Diebold Voting Terminals
VOTERGATE - Watch This Special Film for the Presidential Election ONLINE <===
Part of 9/11 Report Remains Unreleased; An Inquiry Is Begun
MSNBC - 250,000 TONS Of Explosives Missing In Iraq - Secure before the invasion
Atlanta Daily World - Journalists Fall Down on the Job
You Think the Patriot Act Was Bad? Look what is Next
George Bush's deviltry, no one could do worse <==
Voted Dem, Got bush. Dbl check your vote <==
Ben Franklin Weighs In On George W. Bush - How to Judge <===
A Psychologist Speaks Out on Sociopathic Personality Disorder <==
Watch Fahrenheit 911 Online Free <==
October Surprise Bin Laden Appears Right On Cue <==
Hold Off Reacting to Osama's Tape? I Think Not.
Bush Win Would Mean Dark Times, World Sees Support For Preemptive War
AlterNet: Election 2004: October Surprise: Bush Dodges Major Scandals <=
Parents of D.C. Students Without Shots Sent to Court - Forced immunized
AxisofLogic/ Iraq - CIA - Mossad Terror Squads In Iraq <==
Makow - Osama bin Laden Endorses John Kerry Blows His CIA Cover
FAIR MEDIA ADVISORY: Missing the Evidence on Missing Explosives - Coverup
Commentary on the October 29, 2004 Bin Laden tape <=
Ten Questions for bin Laden <==
Election Day Terror Drills, Cheney In Command? <===
Stupid People Love Bush, Study Shows Correlation Of Low IQ And Rise Of GOP <==
Transcript: Greg Palast on Widespread Election Fraud
Russia tied to Iraq's missing arms -- This story reeks
Florida Computers Snatch 1,000s Of Votes From Kerry
t r u t h o u t - Disputed Iraq Explosives in Place after Invasion, Video Shows
The Free Press - Campaign 2004 - Twelve ways Bush is now stealing the Ohio vote
The Death of the Bill of Rights in America (Part II) - PRAVDA.Ru
Will There Be A War Against The World After November 2? - John Pilger <=
'Shameful' to some is Nathan Sproul's 'badge of honor', GOP is proud of this
INN World Report - 911 : New Cover-up revealed? 3 - 9/11 Black Boxes found
Bush has no choice but to reinstate draft
AlterNet: Wanted: Enemy to Justify $344 Billion War Budget
Without a Doubt: Bush a menace to our democracy <==
Vote For A Man, Not A Puppet By Charley Reese <=
Yahoo! News - Banks Implement Check 21 Starting Thursday <=
For the first time, bin Laden openly took responsibility of 911. if tape is real
The Politics of the Closed Mind - a relentless plague wiping out reason <==
Faith Instead of Reason :: Intervention Magazine <=
The Final Word :: Intervention Magazine
Bush Or Kerry - Any Real Difference In Foreign Policy? <=
Civilian Death Toll In Iraq Exceeds 100,000 plus 100,000 for Falluja <==
Flu May Kill Over One Billion This Year - Russian Expert <=
Explosives Lost in Iraq, Intelligence Missing in White House <==
Gasoline Not Yet $3.50+ A Gallon? Why? Who Caused it? <==
The GOP: A Criminal Organization :: Intervention Magazine
$70 billion Increase in War Funding Sought - Stop this Crook
Fear may contain far more than many bargained for - kirwan <=
34 Newspapers Switch To Kerry
Attention Fence Sitters: 101 Points to Ponder Before Taking to the Polls <==
Campaign Extra!: The failure of Bush's "Spanish Inquisition"
Fear and Loathing in America, keeping you scared
Uncurious George and all the Blind Faith Fools <==
Flashback: Wanted: Enemy to Justify $344 Billion War Budget 9-04-01 <=
The American Dream Slipping Away from the Middle Class <= Books: Crossing the Rubicon: Michael C. Ruppert <= Tom Ridge: No Security Necessary on Border of Homeland <==
The New Yorker: The Talk of the Town, bush is out <=
Is 'Al Qaeda' the modern incarnation of 'Emmanuel Goldstein'?
One Thousand Reasons: The Top Ten <==
Yahoo! News - Bush Signs Corporate Tax Cut Bill, nearly $140 billion
Bush Supporters Still Believe Iraq Had WMD, Supported al Qaeda, Involved with 911
ABQjournal: Some Voters Say Machines Failed, Incorrect Choices Appear on Screens
AlterNet: Election 2004: BCCI and Bush - The Case That Kerry Cracked <=
Pentagon Rewards Generals, Corporations Tied to Abu Ghraib Scandal
?Days of Penitence? or Days of Genocide?
Stop Bush Now: `We the People of the United States...' (1776 - 2004), an Epitaph
Bush's Brave New World - Forced mental screening - Orwell on Steroids <=
The PROOF Bush wants a draft!
The Daily Show: Bush "We won't have an all-volunteer army."
Over 5200 Concerned Adults Refuse to Comply with New Freedom <=
Bush Gives BIG Handout To Pharmaceutical Companies <=
Flashback- William Rivers Pitt - Stanley Hilton and 911 <==
Deciphering The 911 Distractions The government's lies are obvious <==
Bush' Texas Rangers' plot thickens into tax evasion and more <=
Lynn Landes Investigates - Voting Security <=
Could The Associated Press (AP) Rig The Election? <=
Bizarro Bush, He's the exact opposite of what a president should be <=
Devvy Kidd -- Vote Fraud: What They Aren't Telling You
(DV) Cockburn: The Year of Surrendering Quietly, wrong issues, no choice
Constitution Restoration Act will transform the United States into a theocracy <==
Cartoon: typical GOP twisting of the truth
Are you sure that Flu shot is good for you <=
t r u t h o u t - Marjorie Cohn | Bush Gets 'F' in Civil Rights
Robert Scheer | CIA Report on 9/11 Suppressed Until After Election <===
t r u t h o u t - William Rivers Pitt | Desperate Measures - Vote Fraud <=
Voters Angry At Chaos In Early US Polls
Soldiers Maltreated - Maimed in Iraq, then mistreated, neglected
AP News - Marines Vent Frustration in Western Iraq
Al Gore Speech Oct 18, 04 - Video at cspan <==
Thousands Of Soldiers 50 And Older Being Sent To Iraq
Do We See A Pattern Here?
The ?Catastrophic? Success of the Republican Party, Thanks Lemmings <=
Online intrusion risks large identity cache | CNET
George Shills For Neocons, Laura Shills For George
Privacy Threats Hide In Security Bill <=
Dirty Voting Tricks Return To The Sunshine State
Yankees Are Blind To Blundering Bush <==
What Ever Happened to Osama bin Forgotten? <=
The Unfeeling President - such moral vacancy <=
Museletter: The Endangered US Dollar, Phony Federal Reserve history
The Truth Seeker - An Engineered Excuse for Killing Iraqis
Guardian Unlimited | Bush and Kerry dance to the tune of Ariel Sharon
AlterNet: MediaCulture: Creeping Fascism at Sinclair Broadcasting
Our War on Terrorism
Freedom & Democracy: Illusion by Stealth <=
Adventure Capitalism - Greg Palast
Bush doesn't 'misspeak.' He lies. - Iran and the draft - Imperialism
Bush isn't the only one in a bubble
Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War - Video Online <==
Didn't Know I Was Unamerican - flash video <=
Killing for Christ - The Destructive Power of Faith <=
'04 Election Cost Estimate: Nearly $4 Billion, Presidential Race to Top $1.2 Billion
Putin - Why Not Price Oil In Euros?
American Exceptionalism: building empire - The Independent Institute
Disturbing Reports from Ohio: vote fraud
Evil Seed: Bush and Kerry are Related to Dracula (Vlad the Impaler)
Kerry Demands Answers About Missing Explosives - 380 Tons of C4 and RDX
The Nation endorses Kerry - John Kerry for President <==
Government Debt- The Greatest Threat to National Security by Ron Paul <==
Bush Failed us on 9/11
THE GEORGE W. BUSH HYPNOSIS FILE or How the Public has been deceived <==
Invasion of the Data Snatchers - Spyware (
FindLaw's Writ - Dean: The Coming Post-Election Chaos
Rudolph Giuliani and others were TOLD the WTC was going to collapse <=
Welcome to Vote2004.eRiposte - Vote Fraud
The "War on Terror" as Defined by 1984's Emmanuel Goldstein - The blind leading the blind <==
Concentration Camps in America - Are They For You?
Capitol Hill Blue: Republicans Sabotage Democratic Voter Registration
Prepare for litigation-filled post-election
the Bush Regime is a cult -- a cult whose god is Power <==
Guardian Unlimited | George, God here ... <==
Editorial: Denial/The truth about Iraq hurts - Stupid Lemmings <==
Another Bush 'Imminent' Attack On Iran Prediction - Lunatics, Nuts.. <==
Depleted Uranium - Little-Known Use of DU in Commercial Jets Exposed <=
INN World Report - The 9/11 Truth Movement questions our new day of infamy <==
U.S. Has Contingency Plans for a Draft of Medical Workers
Flim Flam Man
Vaccines: The Deadly Cure
100 Facts, 1 Opinion - The Non-Arguable Case Against the Bush Administration <==
Racism has become an essential part of the Republican Party?s election strategy
The truth about Zelikow and the Sept. 11 cover-up commission <=
$87,000,000,000.00 in graphical perspective <== / The art of stealing elections
Bush Against Americans- wants Worthless Mexican IDs, Cut in Border Officers <==
Bush Plays To Fears Of Paranoid Americans
Bush Relatives for Kerry
Carl Worden: The Last Straw - Carl Worden Makes His Vote Official <==
Political Strategy - Is the Bush Administration Supressing the Price of Gas?
Bush Backers Steadfast on Saddam-Al-Qaeda, WMD - Many STUPID People <==
AlterNet: Election 2004: Republican Dirty Tricks
Mexico's Fox To 'Get Tough' With The US Bark,s Demands At America
Big Brother Under Your Skin / The future is now. The microchip implant for humans
what barry says - Quicktime Video - Excellent Overview <==
'Disagree With Me? I Want You Dead'? <=
Asia Times - Dramatic rise of fascism in the US
Voter Registration Scandal Spreads to Pennsylvania
The Guantanamoization of America
StanleyHiltonLawsuit - 9/11Review
Open letter to the citizens of the United States of America <=
Former US Senator Marlow Cook (R-KY) says he's 'Frightened to death' of Bush <==
Guardian Unlimited | Why is war-torn Iraq giving $190,000 to Toys R Us?
Bush/Cheney 31 "Greatest Accomplishments"
Guardian Unlimited | 'When we came back they had destroyed all the houses'
Privacy Eroding, Bit by Byte (
Oregon Police Fire On Bystanders Watching Presidential Motorcade - Detestable <=
t r u t h o u t - faith-based NutCase in the Whitehouse <=
Devvy Kidd -- 9-11 Bombshell, Review of "Crossing the Rubicon" - <==
Dr. Stanley Montieth -- The Media Monopoly <=
t r u t h o u t - Howard Dean: Take Our Airways Back <==
AlterNet: Bush Will Privatize Social Security - Report <=
A Personal Message from George Soros <==
Only Zionists Kill Like That <---
Fear The Coming Train - fema camps - <=
Fear The Coming Train - Part 2 - Zelikow: Losing to the Bacteria, 9/11 Commission whitewash <==
The war within America <=
Genotype Biological weapons for CIA and Project for new american century <= U.S. & Coalition/Casualties - Faces and Data, tell them it was for a LIE <= / Iraq audit can't find billions <=
buyer for the U.S. Air Force sentenced for conspiracy - Oct. 1, 2004 <--
Guardian Unlimited | The making of the terror myth <=
HON. RON PAUL OF TEXAS slams new 9-11 Intelligence Bill <==
Teachers thrown out of Bush rally, T-shirts said "Protect Our Civil Liberties" <=
How Do We Get Out? Iraq is a Mess with no end by Pat Buchanan
Ex-CIA officer blasts premise for Iraq war <=
Under attack as never before <---
Watch it on line: John Pilger's, Breaking The Silence <== American workers take a stand against corporate greed
Bush Administration Cronyism.pdf
Project for the OLD American Century Highlights
Kerry History, read and be impressed - BCCI bank scandal, Iran Contra <=
BCCI was deeply involved in the Iran-Contra scandal operations
George W Bush appointing Iran contra felons - Video <=
Three tarnished Reagan figures have hands in Bush foreign policy <=
Boston Globe Online | John Kerry: A Candidate in the Making
The Swift Boat Liars owe America and John Kerry a big apology
Yahoo! News - Anti-Kerry Vietnam Vets Launch New proven false Lies
ABC News: What Happened in Kerry's Vietnam Battles? Vietnamese calling SVBT Liers
Parallels Between Hitler's and Bush's Power Game Plan <==
George W Bush and the 14 points of fascism <=
"Terra" Happens - When the truth is denied - kirwan <==
Orlando Weekly: 94 REASONS NOT TO VOTE FOR GEORGE W. BUSH really good <=
Bush Signs Global Anti-Semitism Law
Revealed: the meeting that could have changed the history of Iraq
RIGHTS: Indymedia Seizure Signals Clampdown on Dissent
Bush Campaign event security spurs arrests, removals, dictatorship
Guardian Unlimited Politics - Michael Meacher: This war on terrorism is bogus <===
Our Kids Are In Big Trouble - future debt etc..
No Child Unrecruited because of No Child Left Behind act <==
Illegal Alien Driver's License Insanity
TomDispatch - Tomgram: Michael Klare on oil wars and the American military
Devvy Kidd -- States Must Take Lead in Stopping Theft Identity
US Government Seeks Higher Debt Limit - $7.4 trillion now
Zarqawi Is Not In Fallujah, Nor Has He Ever Been, massive killing of civilians <=
Endoacustica: Wireless micro ear piece
Color My Future Soylent Green
George W. Bush and the Mandate of Heaven- by Justin Raimondo <==
If Americans Knew - what every American needs to know about Israel/Palestine
Bearing Bloody Witness - Millions have now been proven correct <==
'Bush Is Totally Unhinged' Sniff Some Mercury You'll Feel Better <---
PatriotAct2 - National ID Card Being Passed In US - May I see your Papers Please <=
Support The Truth - So Those Who Dare, May Know! <=
The Real (Abridged) Republican Convention - Keeping you Scared <=
t r u t h o u t - For Marines, a Frustrating Fight for no real reason to be in Iraq <=
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Last modified: Thursday, 24-Sep-2020 19:52:10 PDT